- She failed in her duty. 她没有履行她的职责。
- She failed in her second attempt to commit suicide. 她第二次自杀未遂。
- She failed in her attempt to swim the channel. 她横渡海峡的尝试失败了。
- She failed in her obligations as a good daughter-in-law. 她未做到一个好媳妇应尽的义务。
- She was clever,and yet she failed in her examination. 她很聪明,然而考试却不及格。
- She was clever, and yet she failed in her examination. 她很聪明,然而考试却不及格。
- She failed in her attempt to swim the English Channel. 她横度英吉利海峡的尝试失败了。
- "My naughty daughter's failing in her duties," she said. “我这个淘气的女儿没有尽到她应尽的责任,”她说。
- She failed miserably in her latest business. 她在最近的一次生意中失败得很惨。
- She had clearly been remiss in her duty. 她在工作中显然马马虎虎。
- She failed in her mathematics. 她数学不及格。
- Much to my surprise, she failed in the examination. 使我非常奇怪的是,她考试没及格。
- " Toussaint did not fail in her duty, and Cosette was well aware of the fact, but she could not refrain from adding:-- "It is so solitary here. 杜桑在这些方面从不大意,珂赛特也完全知道,但是她无法控制自己不加上这么一句:“问题是这地方太偏僻了!”
- Though she tried very hard,she failed in the examination. 虽然她很刻苦,她考试还是没有及格。
- She failed to do her duty. 她没有尽她的职责。
- Paul looks down in the mouth because she failed in the attempt. 保罗因为尝试失败看起来很沮丧。
- To my sister's shame, she failed in the examination. 使我妹妹感到丢脸的是,她考试不及格。
- She has done her duty in this matter. 她对这件事已经尽了自己的责任。
- The reason why she failed in exam was that she didn't go over her lesson well. 她考试不及格的原因是她没有好好复习功课。
- The reason why she was sad was that she failed in the exam. 她伤心的原因是她考试失败了。