- She dressed the children up. 她把孩子们打扮得漂漂亮亮。
- I dressed the children up for the party. 我给孩子们打扮起来去参加派对。
- She dressed her children up for the festival. 节日里她给孩子们穿上最好最漂亮的衣服。
- She dressed the vegetables with butter and salt. 她在蔬菜里面加上黄油和盐。
- He picked the child up bodily and carried it to bed. 他把孩子抱到床上去。
- She dressed the chicken for the dinner. 她把鸡煺毛开膛洗净以备烹食用。
- They rolled the child up in a blanket. 他们用毛毯把孩子裹了起来。
- She dressed herself and the children in their best clothes. 她让自己和孩子们都穿上最漂亮的衣服。
- She hurriedly dressed the child and took him downstairs. 她匆忙给孩子穿好衣服,把他带下楼来。
- Who put the child up to this piece of mischief? 谁唆使这个小孩做出这种恶作剧?
- Just as I'd dressed the children up for the park, one of them got some grease on her frock 我刚给孩子们穿上漂亮衣服准备去公园玩,其中一个就在她的外衣上沾了油污。
- She muffled the child up in a blanket. 她用毯子将孩子裹得严严实实。
- He covered the child up with a blanket. 他用一条毯子把孩子盖严。
- The mother dressed the children in green skirts. 母亲给孩子们穿上绿色的裙子。
- She scooped the child up in her arms. 她一把抱起孩子。
- If your friend comes here with any more criticism about how we bring the children up, I'll tell him to go about his business. 如果你朋友再来指手画脚,教育我们如何教育子女,那我就要叫他别多管闲事。
- That's overkill; she dress up like a princess for the party. 她打扮得像个公主一样去参加宴会,真是太夸张了。
- Could you dress the children for me ? 你替我给孩子们穿衣服好吗?
- She dress up in elizabethan costume for the fancy-dress ball. 她穿上伊丽莎白的服装去参加化妆舞会。
- She dresses the different clothes every time as I see her. 我每次见到她时,她穿的衣服都不一样。