- She dissolved in tears. 她感动得流泪。
- She dissolved in a flood of tears. 她不禁泪如雨下。
- He dissolved in tears when he heard the bad news. 忽闻噩耗,他痛哭流涕。
- Mary (was) dissolved in tears when she heard her husband had been killed in the battle. 玛丽得知她丈夫阵亡后,泪如雨下。
- Pat will dissolve in tears at the least thing,the cry-baby. 帕特是个爱哭的孩子,哪怕是一点小事。
- Pat will dissolve in tears at the least thing, the cry - baby. 帕特是个爱哭的孩子,哪怕是一点小事。
- She dissolved in a flood of tears 她哭得泪如雨下。
- She was in tears over the death of her puppy. 她因小狗死去而哭泣。
- In their streets they have girded themselves with sackcloth; On their housetops and in their squares Everyone is wailing, dissolved in tears. 赛15:3他们在街市上都腰束麻布、在房顶上和宽阔处、俱各哀号、眼泪汪汪。
- Pat will dissolve in tears at the least thing, the cry-baby. 帕特是个爱哭的孩子,哪怕是一点小事。
- She dissolved the tablet in a glass of water. 她将药片溶解在一杯水中。
- She dissolved the sugar in the tea. 她把糖溶在茶里。
- Ice dissolved in the warm weather. 冰在温暖的天气中溶化了。
- She dissolved a spoonful of sugar in the coffee. 她把一勺糖溶在咖啡里。
- Every time she heard his name, she dissolved into tears. 每当听到他的名字时,她都禁不住泪流满面。
- I found then in tears contrary to my expectation. 我出乎意料地发现他们在哭。
- When the little girl saw the dead bird she dissolved into tears. 当那个小孩看到那死鸟时,她哭得眼泪汪汪的。
- He ran home in tears to his mother. 他流著泪跑回家去找妈妈。
- The little girl was already in tears. 小女孩已经在哭了。
- She was in tears over the death of her cat. 她因猫死而痛哭流涕。