- She died a violent death. 她惨遭横祸。
- I'm afraid of dying a violent death. 我怕暴死。
- Why excavates K-V5's archaeology one not to die a violent death? 为什么发掘K-V5的考古者们没有一个死于非命呢?
- Ebola virus outbreak is the second time in 1995, 245 people died a violent death. 埃博拉病毒第二次大爆发是在1995年,有245人死于非命。
- When the Abscissor, cutter of life, or killing Planet is on the Ecliptic, and an Infortune in an Angle, the Native will die a violent death. 当命盘中的夺命星位于黄道,且凶星落在盘中四角之一位置时,盘主为暴死之命。
- The nightmare is really effective, some people die a violent death mystically, some people are murdered strangely. 噩梦果真灵验,有人神秘暴毙,有人离奇遇害。
- Many children were tired of hunger, have died a violent death, the remains of the accumulation Chengshan, it called the "child-shan. 许多儿童因劳累饥饿,相继死于非命,尸骨堆积成山,故称为"童子山"。
- She died a natural death the year before last. 她在前年寿终正寝。
- That, why can have that many person either directly or pulls indirectly after the ancient Egyptian vestige relates, dies a violent death? 那么,为什么会有那么多的人或直接或间接地与古埃及遗迹扯上关系后,死于非命呢?
- It is appointed lot to die a violent death 命该横死
- To our great sorrow, she died a martyr at her post. 令我们深感悲痛的是,她以身殉职了。
- To our great sorrow,she died a martyr at her post. 令我们深感悲痛的是,她以身殉职了。
- She died a glorious death, sacrificing herself for the property of the country. 她死的光荣,为国家财产献出自己的生命。
- 3.When the Abscissor, cutter of life, or killing Planet is on the Ecliptic, and an Infortune in an Angle, the Native will die a violent death. 当命盘中的夺命星位于黄道,且凶星落在盘中四角之一位置时,盘主为暴死之命。
- 8、When the Abscissor, cutter of life, or killing Planet is on the Ecliptic, and an Infortune in an Angle, the Native will die a violent death. 当命盘中的夺命星位于黄道,且凶星落在盘中四角之一位置时,盘主为暴死之命。
- Don't mess with her: she's got a violent temper. 别干预她的事,她脾气很暴。
- She died a few months later and neer gae her recital. 她死于几个月后,没举办成她的演奏会。
- If I fail to do as you say, she vowed, I will die a violent death. These were the interlocking stratagems laid by Wang Yun and Diao Chan. 貂蝉听后,满口答应,并发誓说:"如果我不按大人说的去做,不报大义,我当被乱刀砍死!"这就是王允和貂蝉共同定下的连环计,最后除掉了董卓。
- It was a tragedy that she died so young. 她这么年轻就去世,真是太不幸了。
- She died a martyr in the cause of progress, ie died trying to achieve progress. 她为进步事业而牺牲.