- She delights in him. 她喜欢他。
- She delights in teasing her younger sister. 她以逗弄妹妹为乐。
- She delights in cooking lovely meals. 她以烹饪美食为乐。
- She delighted in him. 她喜爱他。
- She delights in her work. 她喜爱她的工作。
- The father of a righteous man has great joy; he who has a wise son delights in him. 义人的父亲必大得快乐;人生智慧的儿子,必因他欢喜。
- She finds delight in teasing her younger sister. 她以逗弄妹妹为乐。
- She takes delight in teasing her younger sister. 她以逗弄妹妹为乐。
- She delights in working hard. 她喜欢努力工作。
- The wicked will be ensnared by his lies, but because of the truth that the righteous man speaks, he will come through trouble and the Lord will delight in Him. 恶人会掉在他自己谎言所设的网罗中,但是由于义人所说的真理,他会走过苦难,以及耶和华也会喜欢。
- She delights in her work . 她非常喜欢她的工作。
- She found in him the mellowness that being rare in others at his age. 她发现他具有那种他的同龄人少有的成熟。
- He delights in teasing his younger sister. 他以戏弄他妹妹为乐。
- I see in him the making of a hero. 我看他有英雄的气质。
- She's so wrapped up in him that she can't see his faults. 她完全迷上了他,连他的缺点也看不见了。
- Peter seems to delight in other people suffer. 看来彼得是以他人的痛苦为乐。
- He takes great delight in proving others wrong. 他的极大乐趣是证实别人错了。
- Her wondrous beauty raised admiration in him. 她的绝色引起了他的敬慕。
- He takes great delight in painting. 他爱好绘画。
- He hasn't a spark of generosity in him. 他一点也不慷慨。