- She conducts herself nobly . 她举止高贵。
- She conducted herself nobly. 她行为高尚。
- She conducts herself nobly 她举止高贵。
- She conducted herself in a most gracious manner. 她举止非常文雅。
- She conducts herself sedately. 她举止端庄。
- She conducted herself stoically in her time of grief. 她悲伤时,表现出奇的冷静
- At the party,she conducted herself with ease and confidence and found favour in the host's eyes. 晚会上,她举止落落大方,获得了主人的青睐。
- At the party, she conducted herself with ease and confidence and found favour in the host's eyes. 晚会上,她举止落落大方,获得了主人的青睐。
- She always conducts herself like a lady. 她的举止经常有如淑女。
- The girl conducts herself wisely. 这女孩儿为人十分明智。
- 1. She conducted herself stoically in her time of grief. 她悲伤时,表现出奇的冷静。
- She conducts her business very successfully. 她把企业经营得很成功。
- She conducted an orchestra of forty instruments. 她在一个拥有40种乐器的管弦乐队里当指挥。
- She conducted a personal vendetta against me. 她对我有宿仇。
- She conducted her business very successfully. 她操持她的生意很成功。
- And this readjustment of her father's attitude had aroused in Jennie an ardent desire to so conduct herself that no pain should ever come to him again. 父亲的态度既有这样的变化,珍妮就发起一种热烈的愿心,决不再叫老头子心里难过。
- He taught her how to trim a lamp, how to behave toward people according to their differing temperaments, and how to conduct herself before visitors. 他教她如何装饰灯,如何对待不同性情的人,如何在来访者面前约束自己。
- She conducted us into a cottage at the farthest corner. 她领我们走到最远角落处的一个小屋中。
- She conducted an English class for Chinese students. 她给中国学生上英语课。
- Emily, who wants to be a veterinarian or an astronaut," or even both," said she conducted her study for a school science fair because she was a bit skeptical herself. 艾米丽想成为一名兽医或一名宇航员,“或两者兼备”,她为学院科学事业指导她的研究,因为她本人是一位怀疑者。