- She coloured (with embarrassment) at his remarks. 她听到他的话(因受窘)而脸红了。
- She coloured at his remarks. 她听到他的话脸红了。
- She was seething with rage at his remarks. 他的评论把她气得火冒三丈。
- She was seething (with rage) at his remarks. 对於他的说法,她(气得)火冒三丈。
- She was seething(with rage)at his remarks. 对于他的说法;她(气得)火冒三丈.
- Everybody bridled up at his remarks . 大家对他的批评皆愤怒。
- Everybody bridled up at his remarks. 大家对他的批评皆愤怒。
- She was pained at his remarks. 她被他的言词所伤。
- She coloured faintly and seemed put off her stride. 她有点面红耳赤,看来被激怒了。
- She was offended by his remarks [conduct]. 他的话[行动]使她很不高兴。
- His remarks at the party were out of time. 他在晚会上的讲话不当。
- His remarks were not directed at you. 他的话不是针对你的。
- She bridled at his remarks. 她蔑视他的言论。
- She stiffened at his rude remarks. 听他说了一番粗鲁话,她的态度变得强硬了。
- She worked as a lass at his house. 她在他家当女仆。
- She was exasperated at his stupidity. 她因为他的愚笨而发怒。
- She coloured up at the mention of the young man's name. 一提到那个年轻人的名字,她羞得红起脸来。
- His remark did not pertain to the question. 他的话同这个问题不相干。
- She coloured the pictures with a yellow crayon. 她用黄色炭笔把这些画涂上颜色。
- I thought his remarks were quite below the belt. 我觉得他的话十分尖酸刻毒。