- She bears the stamp of genius in her works. 她的著作显示了她的才华。
- She bears the stamp of genius. 她有天才的特质。
- His work bears the stamp of genius. 他的作品给人一种天才的感觉
- His work bears the unmistakable stamp of genius. 他的作品清清楚楚显示出他的天才。
- Although this painting clearly bears the stamp of genius, we don't know who painted it. 尽管这幅画明显带有天才的标志,我们并不知道他的作者是谁。
- His face bears the stamp of suffering. 他的脸上有饱经苦难的烙印。
- It bears the stamp of genius. 它显示天才的特徵。
- He bears the stamp of genius. 他具有天才的特质。
- Every article bears the stamp of the maker. 每一种货品上都有制造者标记。
- All his work bears the stamp of authority. 他的一切工作都具有权威性。
- Every article bears the stamp of the maker . 每一种货品上都有制造者标记。
- His work hardly bore the stamp of maturity. 他的这个作品显得不够成熟。
- The story bore the stamp of authenticity. 这个故事具有真实性。
- The stamp bears the picture of George Washington. 这张邮票上印有乔治·华盛顿的肖像。
- All the defects I have just described bear the stamp of feudalism to one degree or another. 上面讲到的种种弊端,多少都带有封建主义色彩。
- It bears the stamp of Henri Guaino, the president's interventionist speechwriter. 它打上了干预主义的总统演讲撰稿人HenriGuaino的烙印。
- Every serious Republican candidate for the presidency employs people who bear the stamp of Rove. 每一个认真的共和党总统候选人都会请一个带有几分罗夫风格的竞选顾问。
- Mary's words have the stamp of truth. 玛丽的话具有真实性。
- This transcript must bear the stamp of your university and the name and signature of the Registrar of another authorized person. 成绩单必须有贵校盖章和相关负责人员签名方可生效。
- She bore the disappointment nobly. 她很失望,但表现得很大度。