- She appeals to young men. 她对年轻人有吸引力。
- These advertisements are calculated to appeal to young men thirsting for adventure. 这些广告意在吸引渴望历险的年轻人。
- Probably because she appeals to many men's fantasies. 或许是因为她迎合了许多男人的幻想。
- She appealed to the high court against her sentence. 她不服判决而向高等法院上诉。
- This TV program has a lively style and appeals to young people. 这个电视节目风格活泼,很受年轻人的欢迎。
- In this summer,he retired and demised to young man. 他在今年夏天退休了;让位给年轻人.
- She appealed to the judge for leniency. 她向法官请求宽大处理。
- This sort of life is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20. 这种生活对于一个20岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。
- She appealed to court against unfair treatment. 她因为受到不公正待遇而向法院提起上诉。
- They appealed to the young men to volunteer for service. 他们呼吁青年人主动服兵役。
- She was engaged to a young man, a tenant of his. 她和一个年轻人,伯爵的一个佃户,订了婚。
- But as a working mother of five who grew up shooting moose for the freezer, she appeals to small-town voters who feel condescended to by Democrats. 作为一位有着五个孩子的上班妈妈,一个从小靠猎杀驼鹿填充自己冰箱的人,她对那些感到被民主党轻视的小镇选民具有吸引力。
- When I met Jill, she was talking to a young man. 当我遇到吉尔时,她正在和一个年轻人说话。
- His book was an eye opener to complacent young men. 对自满的年轻人来说,他的这本书有启发作用。
- She appealed to his mastery for help in solving her problem. 她请求他运用他的知识去解决她的问题。
- The law prohibits tobacconists from selling cigarettes to young men. 法律禁止烟贩向年轻人出售香烟。
- She appeals to me. 我对她感兴趣。
- With rollicking, rhyming text and funny illustrations, this lively version of a classic song will appeal to young readers with every turn of the page. 但是,当她打饱嗝的时候,你一定要注意看了,会有意想不到、又滑稽有趣的事情发生哦!
- He was known to be a young man with lofty ideals. 人们都知道他是一个有抱负的青年。
- She made the last appeal to her father to forgive her. 她最后一次请求她父亲原谅他。