- She and he broke even. 她和他打成了平手。
- And somewhere in the darkness the gambler, he broke even. 在黑暗的角落里,赌徒他身无一文落魄样。
- And somewhere in the darkness, the gambler he broke even. 在黑暗中的某处;这个赌徒击碎了夜晚.
- Ellis said he broke even on the venture. 埃利斯说他在那次投资中不赚也不赔。
- She and he were congenial companion in youth. 他和她是竹马青梅, 志趣相投。
- She and he seldom agree on anything. 她和他很少同意任何一件事。
- Suddenly John spotted his bus pulling up opposite, and he broke away. 约翰忽然发现他要搭的公共汽车停在对面,于是他就拔腿跑了过去。
- She and he were congenial companions in youth. 他和她是青梅竹马,志趣相投。
- Bill had a bad day in school yesterday. He lost his knife on the way home, then he fell down, and when he broke a shoe lace, that was the last straw and he began to cry. 比尔昨天上学很不愉快。在回家的路上丢了小刀,而且又跌倒,最后当他弄断鞋带时,他就再也忍不住地哭了起来。
- And he broke down the tower of Penuel and slew the men of the city. 17又拆了毗努伊勒的楼,杀了那城里的人。
- She and I can't live under the same roof. 她和我不能住在一起。
- The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep. 这本小说非常引人入胜,她一口气读了下去,甚至废寝忘食。
- Suddenly John spotted his bus pulling up opposite,and he broke away. 约翰忽然发现他要搭的公共汽车停在对面,于是他就拔腿跑了过去。
- He broke down and wept when he heard the news. 他听到这个消息时不禁痛哭起来。
- Unmanned by grief he broke down and wept. 他悲伤得不像个男子汉不禁哭了起来。
- She told Jeeves that she and her husband would be home very late and he should just enjoy his night off. 她告诉吉福斯她和她丈夫很晚才会回家,他应该享受他的晚休。
- He broke the window and ran away. 他打破窗子逃跑了。
- The two teams break even at the end. 两个队最后打成平局。
- She and I were contemporaries at college. 她和我在学院里是同学。
- He broke a leg and was hospitalized for a month. 他摔断了一条腿,住院治疗一个月。