- She Needs Wide Open Spaces 她向往宽广无边之境
- Gloria: Well I hear they have wide open spaces in Connecticut. 格洛莉娅:我听说在康涅狄格州有一块野生区。
- He liked the wide open spaces of the Australian countryside. 他喜欢澳大利亚乡间广袤的开阔地。
- It can fester in those wide open spaces for thousands of years. 那东西在那些空旷了千百年的地方会化脓烂掉。
- Do you know where to go for a breath of fresh air and wide open spaces? 你知道在哪儿能呼吸到新鲜的空气,拥有开阔的室外空间吗?
- Glorious beaches, wide open spaces, barbecues after work on balmy evenings. 美丽的沙滩,广濶的空间,在宜人的傍晚下班后烤肉。
- Teeing off in the wide open spaces is a great release from the pressures of city life. 在宽阔的地方开球,很能消除城市生活的压力。
- Combining all the moral qualities of the sturdy yeoman, the pioneer typically enjoyed the wide open spaces found in the vast American heartland. 拓荒者继承了历史上坚强的自由民的各种品质,喜欢在无边无际的北美内陆地带享有自己的一片广阔天地。
- Powerful units like Tripods, Devastators, and the awesome Planetary Assault Carrier can make short work of your enemy's forces in the wide open spaces of this map. 强大的单位,比如三脚,毁灭者和可怕的行星攻击母舰,由于这张地图的开阔空间可以在短时间消灭敌人的部队。
- She needs to win this point to level the score. 她要赢得这一分才能将比分扳平。
- "You want to be in a place where it's just unobstructed wind, you know, where the wind can just flow freely, and it's just wide open space. 你想在一个顺风的地方,那里风可以自有的流动,还有就是一个大的空间。
- She's get wet. she needs an umbrella. 她正挨雨淋。她需要一把伞。
- She has acting potential, but she needs training. 她有表演潜力,但需要训练。
- She needs a cherry cabinet in her room. 她需要在她房里添一个樱桃木的柜子。
- The Dalai Lama himself stated that “the pervasive influence of Buddhism” in Tibet, “amid the wide open spaces of an unspoiled environment resulted in a society dedicated to peace and harmony. 达赖喇嘛本人也称,在西藏,“佛教的影响广泛而深远;广袤的处女地孕育了一个和平、和谐的社会。
- She needs to improve her presentation of the arguments. 她需要改进阐述其论点的方式。
- His eyes are wide open but he seems to be asleep. 他的眼睛睁得大大的但看起来是睡着了。
- It seem that she needs two good actors to play up to her. 看来她需要两位好演员与她配戏。
- I am going to bust you wide open. 我将把你打得皮开肉绽。
- She needs to perfect her arabic before go to work in Cairo. 她需要把阿拉伯语学好才能到开罗工作。