- Sharpness and clarity of tone. 清晰动人音调尖锐而清晰
- Belief in people should be accomplished with open eyes and clarity of judgment. 相信别人应该要睁亮双眼并有明确的判断力。
- The WV-LC1900 (19-inch) and WV-LC1700 (17-inch) LCD displays deliver exceptional images with greater sharpness and clarity. WV-LC1900( 19英寸)和WV-LC1700( 17英寸)液晶显示器提供了更加锐利和清晰的图像。
- Lacking sharpness or clarity of understanding or perception. 迟钝的理解力或领悟力迟钝的或薄弱的
- Clarity of diction is vital for a public speaker. 发音清晰对演说家至关重要。
- On the other hand, well-designed pictorial symbols are easy for humans to recognize, but they often lack the precision and clarity of text. 另一方面,人类容易识别那些设计优秀的图示符号,但它们常缺乏文本的精确度和条理性。
- The Material is striking for its extreme sharpness and clarity 这个“材料”具有极大的尖锐性和鲜明性,十分引人注意。
- Of particular concern are size and clarity of display, ease of input and control, and sensitivity to context. 设计手持设备要特别关注外形尺寸、显示的清晰度、输入和控制的难易,以及对于情境的敏感度。
- The sounds were individualized by sharpness and tone. 锐利的音质使这声音很个性化。
- In an informational site, this manifests itself in terms of ease and clarity of navigation and orientation. 在信息类网站中越倾向于暂时姿态就意味着网站更加容易使用,导航和标识更加清晰。
- A leaf with an acute end.Figuratively they indicatemental alertness and clarity of comprehension. 有尖端的叶子。它们比喻思维的敏锐或清晰的理解力
- They follow The Rule and maintain their aptly named organization The Order with efficiency and clarity of purpose. 他们遵循骑士规章并且以坚定的信念维护着"使命骑士团“的成名。
- The descriptions of tone are very subjective and can be misleading. 音色的描述非常主观,而且会使人误入歧途。
- Designers building audio systems to match the quality and clarity of the HD picture face a multi-faceted challenge. 设计者若要搭建与高清图片的品质和清晰度相匹配的音频系统,也会面临多方面的挑战。
- Dicks have drive and clarity of vision, but they are not clever.they smell pussy and they want a piece of the action. 鸡巴们总是负责发号施令,但它们不是太机灵,它们闻到逼的气味就想行动。
- All this should speak well for your fluency with language and clarity of intellect. 所有这一切对语言的流畅性及智力的条理性都应有所帮助。
- What science strives for is an utmost acuteness and clarity of concepts as regards their mutual relation and their correspondence to sensory data. 科学为之奋斗的目标,就是要使概念之间的相互关系以及与感性材料的一致性尽最大可能地准确与清楚。
- He seemed to be out of tone with surroundings. 他似乎与周围环境不协调。
- Present information demonstrating quality and clarity of expression, use of terminology, knowledge of format, aptness for the user group. 有质量地、清晰地陈述信息,能够使用术语,运用格式知识,能够适时适地根据陈述的对象作适当的调整。
- Do Genetics Determine The Role Of Tone In Language? 遗传学决定语言中声调的作用?