- Unload all shared object library symbols. 卸载所有的共享库符号。
- Options -fpic and -fPIC cause code generation to be position-independent, which is required to recreate a shared object library. 选项-fpic和-fPIC导致生成的代码是位置无关的,重建共享目标库需要位置无关。
- Shared object library 共享库
- The Polygon Mesh Object library. 多边形网格库
- Add a reference to the Microsoft Outlook 9.0 Object Library. 向Microsoft Outlook 9.;0对象库添加引用。
- The receiving process will have to query the shared object for events. 接收进程必须要查询这个共享对象到底发生了什么事件。
- This causes both movies to look to a common path for the shared object, and hence use the same file. 这会导致两个影片在相同的路径中寻找共享对像,因此,它们会使用相同的文件。
- When two pointers point to the same object, either one can change the value of the shared object. 两个指针指向同一对象时,其中任意一个都可以改变共享对象的值。
- In this case, we'll give our smart pointer the responsibility for deleting the shared object. 本例中让智能指针负责删除共享对象。
- Object Library - Allows you to configure the class object's recognition properties and property weights. 对象库-允许您配置类对象的识别属性和属性权重。
- Make sure the object library in which the object has been described has been selected in the Add References dialog box. 确保已在Add References对话框中选中描述该对象的对象库。
- Make sure the object library in which the object has been described has been selected in the. 对话框中选中描述该对象的对象库。
- If shared object module is available, PostgreSQL module may be loaded using extension directive in php. Ini or dl() function. 如果可以用共享模块方式;PostgreSQL模块可以在php.;ini用extension指令或者dl()函数加载。
- Building as a shared object will mean that you can compile apache separately, and don't have to recompile everything as you add to, or change, PHP. 用共享对象方式编译PHP意味着可以单独编译Apache,并且不用在添加或修改了PHP的时候重新编译所有程序。
- Select Microsoft Graph 11.0 Object Library in the Component Name list and then click OK. 在“组件名称”列表中选择“Microsoft Graph 11.;0对象库”;然后单击“确定”。
- Select the appropriate object library to view a list of available properties and methods. 然后,选择适当的对象库,查看可用属性和方法列表。
- Note that you can compile SWT into one executable with your application code, but for the scope of this article we ll stick to the shared object. 请注意,您可以使用应用程序代码将SWT编译成可执行文件,但是基于本文所讨论的范围,我们将坚持编译成共享对象。
- On the Project menu, select References, and then select the Microsoft Excel Object Library. 在项目菜单中,选择引用,然后选择Microsoft Excel对象库。
- A relocatable file holds code and data suitable for linking with other object files to create an executable or a shared object file. 可重定位文件:保存着代码和数据,适合于和其他的目标文件连接到一起,用来创建一个可执行目标文件或者是一个可共享目标文件。
- You lost your connection to the remote process's object library or type library. 与远程过程对象库或类型库的连接丢失。