- Shanxi merchants mortgage 晋典
- In contrast, when Shanxi Merchants were on the wane, they left nothing culturally significant, which is an endless regret for later generations. 晋商衰落了,随之而来的文化事业上的空白,给我们留下了无穷的遗憾。
- The belated permission to allow imperial tael remittance service had given Shanxi merchants a once-in-a-life-time opportunity. 三年前他七十大寿时,平遥城中的商民特意将一面写着“拔乎其萃”的匾额,挂在他宅院的厅堂之上。
- Thanks to Shanxi merchants, potatoes came into Shanxi from Russia or Kazakh Khanate (now Kazakhstan) in early 19th century.It played an important role in the development of social economy in Shanxi. 摘要18世纪末19世纪初,马铃薯由俄国或哈萨克汗国(今哈萨克斯坦)传入山西,改变了山西地区的农作物品种结构,对山西地区的社会经济和社会生活的发展起到一定的促进作用。
- The Shanxi merchants guildhall has many especial forms and culture connotations, it is as the especial architecture engendered under especial economic system built by the special colony. 晋商会馆建筑是一个在特定经济体系下特殊的群体所兴建的特殊建筑类型,必有其特殊的形式及文化内涵。
- Ming and Qing Dynasties, Shanxi Merchants have Huitong the world, very wealthy and the world, weighing and measuring equipment was the major ticket number, names of your ideal choice. 明清时期,晋商曾汇通天下,财雄四海,度量衡器具是当年各大票号、商号中的必备之物。
- A Study on Legal Value of Shanxi Merchants'Culture 晋商文化之法价值探微
- Shanxi merchants of Ming and Qing Dynasty 明清晋商
- Shanxi merchants' credit education 晋商诚信教育
- the organization of Shanxi Merchants 晋商组织
- Traces of Shanxi Merchants in Native Place of Tianjin 津城故里追寻晋商足迹
- Contribution of Shanxi Merchants to China's Commercial Revolution 山西商人对中国商业革命的贡献
- That mortgage has a millstone round my neck. 那个抵押使的背上了沉重的包袱。
- He applied the windfall to payment of his mortgage. 他把那笔意外的收入用於偿付抵押。
- Honest merchants do not do in their customers. 诚实的商人不欺骗他们的顾客。
- Building society is warning of mortgage rationing. 住宅互助协会警告说要限额分配抵押借款。
- A Brief Exploration into the Properties of Shanxi Merchant Capital 山西商人资本性质初探
- He used to be a timber merchant. 他曾是一个木材商。
- The merchant had received a shipment of tea. 这个商人收到了一船茶叶。
- He will have to mortgage his land for a loan. 他不得不将土地抵押来申请贷款。