- Whither (ie What is the likely future of) the shipping industry? 航运业何去何从?
- Shanghai shipping industry 上海航运业
- COSCO Shanghai Ship Management Co., Ltd. 上海远洋船舶管理有限公司。
- The prosperity of the country's shipping industry was on the wane. 该国航海业的繁荣正趋衰落。
- The community depends on the shipping industry for its survival. 这个地区靠航运业维持生活。
- The prosperity of the country rs shipping industry was on the wane. 该国航海业的繁荣正趋衰落。
- The shipping industry lacks of administerial talent seriously. 航运业中有行政才干的人奇缺。
- The good trend of international shipping industry and Shanghai s becoming International Shipping Centre, will be good news to ship repairing industry. 国际航运形势良好以及上海将逐步建成国际航运中心的大趋势,给修船行业带来了利好消息。
- The shipping industry is continually evolving to meet customer needs. 审时度势,航运业在不断变迁中追逐着客户需求。
- Shell Lubricants promote the fast devdlopment of shipping industry in Chian. 壳牌润滑油为高速发展的中国船舶工业保驾护航。
- Will economy develop boomingly and ocean shipping industry develop in depression? 经济向左航运向右?
- If the operators and the consignors conduct their transaction of water way cargo transportation at the Shanghai Shipping Exchange, they shall deserve the rules of exchange provided by the State. 经营者和托运人在上海航运交易所从事水路货物运输交易,应当遵守国家对航运交易所规定的交易规则。
- The Fire-fighting Section of the Chenganwei Shipyard of the China Shipping Industry Co., Ltd. 中海工业有限公司城安围船厂消防工程部。
- The specialty of construction technology and difficulty of underwater lengthening construction of East Shanghai Ship Yard #2 building berth shot slipway are expounded. 舰船在水下接触爆炸载荷作用下的动态响应问题是舰船抗爆设计的重要组成部分。
- In order for a port city to establish a steady trade, fishing, or other shipping industry, the city must have a harbor. 一个城市想要建立稳定的海上贸易,捕鱼业和其他航运业,就必须拥有一个港口。
- The adoption of Maritime Labour Convention (2006) will have deep effect on world shipping industry. 海事劳工公约(2006)的通过对世界航运业将产生深远的影响。
- After the founding, GMTS has trained more than 7000 international seamen for the China shipping industry. 建校以来为中国海运行业培训了七千多国际海员。
- As an assistant one to the shipping industry,which is fluctuated with the undulation of the shipping. 船供行业作为航运业的一个辅助行业也会随之波动而受到影响。
- The domestic shipping industry is vital to the economy of the archipelago, but its history is one of lethal mishaps. 菲律宾的航海业对于菲这样的群岛国家的经济是至关重要的,但她的历史却是一部灾难史。
- Greece is a global leader in the shipping industry acing for 16.4% of world's transportation capacity. 希腊是世界海运强国,运力占世界16.;4%25。