- Shanghai educated youth 上海知识青年
- Xiao Ming's father was an "educated youth" who later went back to the city. 小明的爸爸曾经是个返城知青。
- In cities we should, first and foremost, establish trade unions and organizations for uniting educated youth. 在城市则应首先注意建立工会和团结知识青年的组织。
- In cities we should,first and foremost,establish trade unions and organizations for uniting educated youth. 在城市则应首先注意建立工会和团结知识青年的组织。
- Educated youth by it is to plaint oneself are broken cannot so, must seek a breakthrough. 知青由是感叹自己断不能如是,必须求突破。
- Was Shanghai Education Television (dubbing) in the pool. 并被上海教育电视台(配音)列入人才储备库。
- And among the educated youth who have settled in the rural areas,quite a few have acquired special skills by sharing the life of the masses and studying hard on their own. 上山下乡的青年中,也有不少深入群众、用功学习、很有才干的人。
- And among the educated youth who have settled in the rural areas, quite a few have acquired special skills by sharing the life of the masses and studying hard on their own. 上山下乡的青年中,也有不少深入群众、用功学习、很有才干的人。
- Educated youth nods li of so big iron pot, for a long time does not see oily bit, circuit became rusty another round like annual ring, decoct won'ts do fish. 知青点里偌大的铁锅,许久不见油星,年轮似的锈了一圈又一圈,煎不成鱼。
- There is need to address deepening problems of poverty and unemployment among vulnerable groups, including the disabled, low skilled and less educated youth and older workers, new arrivals. 需要处理愈趋严重的贫穷问题,以及弱势社群的失业问题,包括残疾人士、低技术及低学历的青年及老年工人,以及新来港人士。
- But this evening a fateful sympathy caused the refined and educated youth to pour out his heart before the simple mountaineers, and caused them to answer him with the same confidence. 可是这天晚上,一种命定的同感引得这高尚而有学问的青年在纯朴的山民面前倾吐衷肠,也引得山民同样的推心置腹。
- In 2003, the University was evaluated an advanced unit by Shanghai Education Committee and Administration of Shanghai Municipal Working Committee for the elderly. 上海市退休职工大学在2003年被上海市教委、上海市老龄委办公室光荣评为上海市老年教育先进集体;
- Pu Cunxin begins to contact Ma Ying to should be truly 1969, in those days he is 16 years old, it is to serve as educated youth to produce construction large unit to boost border area to Heilongjiang. 濮存昕真正开始接触马应该算是1969年,那时他16岁,是作为知青到黑龙江生产建设兵团支援边疆。
- During the design of Shanghai Network Library which takes charged by Shanghai Educational Committee, the authors probe into the network service model, and have got good effects. 我们在上海市教委主持的“上海高校网络图书馆”的建设中 ,对网络化的服务模式进行了探索 ,取得良好的效果。
- Vice chairwomen of Shanghai women Union Association,vice director of Shanghai Education Committee for women and chairman of Shanghai Mulan Boxing Association attended the meeting. 出席本次大会的有上海市妇联副主席、上海市教委妇女工作部副主任、上海市木兰拳协会会长等。
- Shanghai Education Forum of 2005, whose theme is "Modern City: Vocational Education and Training", was held in Shanghai Guidu Hotel on the 22nd and 23rd June, 2005. 2005年6月22日到23日在上海贵都大酒店举办了“2005上海教育论坛”,这次教育论坛的主题是“现代城市:职业教育与职业培训”。
- Shanghai Educational Publishing House(SEPH), established in 1958, is a professional educational publishing house catering to the needs of the whole country. 此外,上海教育出版社还与港台以及国外的一些出版社开展版权贸易,合作的范围和品种逐渐扩大。
- Shanghai Education Forum of 2005, whose theme is "Modem City: Vocational Education and Training", was held in Shanghai Guidu Hotel on the 22nd and 23rd June, 2005. 摘要2005年6月22日到23日在上海贵都大酒店举办了“2005上海教育论坛”,这次教育论坛的主题是“现代城市:职业教育与职业培训”。
- The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practiced in accordance with Olympism and its values. 奥林匹克宗旨是通过与奥林匹克主义及其所倡导的价值一致的体育活动来教育青年,从而为建立一个和平的更美好的世界做出贡献。
- The goal of the Olympic Movement is to contribute to building a peaceful and better world by educating youth through sport practised in accordance with Olympism and its values. 奥林匹克运动的目标是通过与奥林匹克主义及其价值观相应的体育运动教育青年人,从而为建设一个更加美好的和平社会而做出贡献。