- In the 1920's the Shanghai banking industry began to ne- gotiate with the native banking industry to abolish the silver tael and establish the yuan as the sloe monetary unit. However,the native banking industry resisted throughout. 从20世纪20年代初起,上海银行业便就废两改元问题与钱庄业协商,但后者始终持消极态度。
- Shanghai bank industry 上海银行业
- Dissertation on the Guarantor System Reform of Shanghai Banking Industry 上海银行业保人制度改良述略
- Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corp. 巴西:巴西银行。
- Technology that Shanghai six harbor electrician technology the limited company produce the electric appliances equipments with weld the equipments first type business enterprise, locate at in the Shanghai gold mountain District river bank industry park. 上海陆港电工科技有限公司是生产电器设备和焊接设备的科技先导型企业,坐落在上海金山区浦江工业园。
- We have accordingly instructed the Shanghai Bank to remit that amount by telegraphic transfer to you. 兹托上海银行电汇上述款项给贵公司。
- Shanghai Bank anxious cashier roots Zhouzhengyi Shanghai property bubble led to the breakdown? 上海银行急收银根周正毅导致沪地产泡沫破裂?
- Bank industry has great centrality and demonstrates the characteristics of imperfect competition. 国内银行业集中度较高,具有垄断竞争的市场特征。
- How does banking industry develop automobile credit operation? 银行能否续唱汽车金融服务主角?
- In addition, the Shanghai bank's shareholding structure is relatively decentralized, and at present the Commission's view on this remains unclear. 此外,上海银行的股权结构相对分散,而目前证监会对此的说法依然不明确。
- His eldest daughterand son both work in the banking industry. 他的大女儿和大儿子都在银行业工作。
- She developed some useful contacts in the banking industry. 她在银行界发展了几个有用的熟人。
- The pair of bronze lions that once stood outside the Hong Kong &Shanghai Bank are now housed at the Bund History Museum. 这气势、这意境宛如一部不同凡响、恢宏壮阔的交响史诗。
- Resolving the problem ultimately and establishing of internal riskcontrol mechanism should depend on further reformation in bank industry. 问题的根本解决及内控机制的真正建立只能寄希望于银行业进一步的深化改革。
- Hp will carry on analysis, removal and processing work to the appeared network breakdown, acting in concert with the management team of the Shanghai bank network department. 当有网络问题发生时,对问题及故障进行分析,排查并提供相应解决方案,实现相应问题和故障的解决与排除。
- But because of the frangibility and the infectivity of the bank industry, the shareholders need to be supervised by the government. 监管部门通过一定的制度设计,使股东在追逐自己利益的同时,促进整个银行业的健康发展和整个生产力的提高。
- This article Analysed the character of our country commercial bank industry accountant risk and the challenges of traditional accounting way. 本文对我国商业银行会计风险的特点和商业银行传统的会计核算模式面临的挑战进行了阐述,
- The programme explores CRM in both the Insurance and Banking industry. 探讨在保险业与银行业推行顾客关系管理的成效能否增加机构的盈利能力。
- The history of Japanese banking industry is driven by merger and aquisition. 摘要日本的银行发展史是聚合与兼并的历史。
- Can you see Shanghai Bank now? 你现在能看到上海银行吗?