- Seychelles Kestreln. 塞舌岛隼
- Nagase Secure a route for the Kestrel first! 先攻击阻挡我们联合舰队去路的敌舰。
- Kestrel Missile impact! That one was close! 导弹冲击!太险了!
- Kestrel Missile impact 600 feet off port below. 导弹在左弦600英尺处爆炸。
- Kestrel Range to bay exit, 3 miles. 距离海湾出口,3英里。
- Thanks for showing me what a Kestrel was. 听听听听听听 Channelle you are really nice.
- President of seychelles France Albert Rene visited Dalian in 1983. 塞舌尔共和国总统弗朗。阿尔贝。勒内于1983年来大连访问。
- Kestrel Almost there! We're almost through the blockade! 快到了!我们就要突破封锁了!
- Kestrel The enemy ship's coming in fast! Engage, engage! 敌人舰队快速接近中!交火!交火!
- Kestrel Enemy ship approaching the carrier's port side! Engage. 敌舰逼近航母左舷!交火了!
- Next came Seychelles, Cape Verde, Botswana and South Africa, in that order. 名列第二的是塞舌尔,随后依次排列的是佛得角、博茨瓦纳和南非。
- To the casual eye, Seychelles seems both fortunate and well-governed. 从表面来看,塞舌尔很富有,吏治清明。
- Gazetteer Indo-West Pacific: Seychelles, the Philippines, and Bali, Indonesia. 印度-西太平洋:塞锡尔群岛,菲律宾与巴里岛,印尼。
- Kestrel Direct missile hit! Navigation impossible! We're dead in the water! 导弹直接命中!无法航行!我们要死在海浬了!
- Osean Fleet We're forming a barrier between the enemy ships and the Kestrel! 我们来在敌舰和航母之间排成一道障碍!
- Kestrel Full speed ahead. Rendezvous with the remaining two carriers ASAP. 全速前进。尽快和剩下的两艘航母汇合。
- Kestrel Enemy ship approaching the carrier's starboard side! Engage. 又有敌舰逼近航母右舷!交火!
- Kestrel The shock waves are getting worse. They're hitting closer now. 冲击波变得更加厉害了。他们的炮弹越打越近了现在。
- Kestrel Stay on the lookout for inbound long-range anti-ship missiles. 小心盯紧远程的反舰导弹!
- I hope this is not too blasphemous, but it seems almost certain the writers of Genesis came from the Seychelles. 我希望这不是太亵,但似乎几乎肯定创世记作者来自塞舌尔。