- Prostitutes, ducks, all sex workers are shameless. 妓女,鸭子,所有的性工作者都是无耻的。
- They have: the sex workers run the HIV program themselves. 于是他让性工作者自行执行HIV计画。
- The bawdy-house laws force sex workers to make a difficult choice. 有关妓院的法律规定迫使性工作者不得不做出艰难的选择。
- Survey of HIV VCT among female sex workers in Funan County,Anhui Province. 安徽省阜南县暗娼HIV抗体检测意愿调查
- Its work ensured public-land for landless and access to banks for sex workers. 行动援助工作以保证失地人群的公共土地,性工作者能到银行开户。
- If you can imagine a completely j new sex worker service in njavlo Queensland. Please describe it? 如果您能够想像一种为性工作者而设置的全新的服务,您能描述这种服务吗?
- If you can imagine a completely new sex worker service in Queensland. Please gescribe it? 果您能够想像一种为性工作者而设置的全新的服务,您能描述这种服务吗?
- If youan imagine a ftvf completely new sex worker service 0188106724 in Queensland.Pleaseq escribe it? 果您-??够想像一-??为性工作者而设置的全新的服务,您能描述这种服务吗?
- If youan imagine a ftvf completely new sex worker service 0188106724 in Queensland. Pleaseq escribe it? 果您-??够想像一-??为性工作者而设置的全新的服务,您能描述这种服务吗?
- It is up to that person to prove that he or she is not living "parasitically" off the money the sex worker makes. 但是,至于这个人是否“像寄生虫一样”靠此名性工作者的收入生活,是由他/她自己来证明的。
- Objective To learn about the commercial sex workers (CSWs) STD/AIDS related knowledge and behavior characters. 摘要目的了解云南省某矿区暗娼性病艾滋病相关知识和性行为特征及影响因素。
- Some provinces like Yunnan and Henan have also instituted mandatory HIV tests for sex workers. 像云南和河南这些省份也已经开始在性工作者中展开强制的艾滋病检测。
- There are nearly two million sex workers in India, almost half a million of them living in subhuman conditions. 目前印度大约有数名百万的性工作者,而几乎有一半的人生活在人道标准之下。
- Examples are gay men and lesbians, transvestites, sadomasochists, certain fetishists, “swingers”, and sex workers. 典型的例子是男女同性恋者、易装癖者、施虐受虐狂者、某些物神崇拜者、“性开放者”和性工作者等等。
- Bawdy-houses could include sex workers' homes, hotels, massage parlours, or even parking lots and cars. 妓院可包括性工作的家、旅馆、按摩院,甚至停车场和小汽车。
- Rates also rise among socalled indirect sex workers, women who work in bars and clubs. 一些间接性工作者例如那些在酒吧和俱乐部工作的女性也会导致感染率的升高。
- "The sex workers' unexpected prominence on this list of honour... is indeed unusual," said the China Daily editorial. 中国日报社主编说:“性工作者意外突出在这个荣誉清单上...的确是不寻常的”。
- Even adolescents often have their own lingo, as do sex workers, drug users and many other groups at risk. 甚至青少年中常常也有自己的隐语或行话,性工作者、吸毒者以及其他高危人群中照样如此。
- No onea outside a priest's family may eat the sacred offering, nor may the a guest of a jriest or his hired Sex worker eat it. 10凡外人不可吃圣物,寄居在祭司家的,或是雇工人,都不可吃圣物。
- From the original circles, such as IDU and sex workers, the disease began to spread to the general population. 疾病从最初的圈子,如注射吸毒者和性工作者,开始扩散到普通人群。