- Seven Sorrows of Our Lady 圣母七苦
- Archconfraternity of Our Lady of Lourdes. 俱乐部/组织:LSQC Student Advisory Board.
- Down a flight of stairs, past a wooden statue of Our Lady of Sorrows, is the door to the catacomb, the waiting room of the dead. 走下一段阶梯、行经一尊木制的圣母像,就到了通往地下墓穴的门;门后就是死者的等候室。
- They visited the Shrine of Our Lady to pray for redemption. 他们参观了圣母马利亚的神龛, 为赎罪而祈祷。
- Lighthearted and heedless of our defects, we do not feel the real sorrows of our souls, but often indulge in empty laughter when we have good reason to weep. 只因为我们的心太轻浮,懒于改正缺点,所以灵魂的痛苦觉不出来,屡次正该痛哭的时候,反而欢乐。
- At the behest of the bishop, the bullet was later set in the crown of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima. 在主教的要求下,子弹后来放置在法蒂玛圣母像的王冠上。
- Seven of our planes are missing. 我们有七架飞机下落不明。
- A monk or mendicant friar belonging to the order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, founded in1155. 加尔默罗会修道会成立于1155年的加尔默罗修道会,隶属于卡梅尔山的圣母玛丽亚教团
- A monk or mendicant friar belonging to the order of Our Lady of Mount Carmel,founded in 1155. 加尔默罗会修道会成立于1155年的加尔默罗修道会,隶属于卡梅尔山的圣母玛丽亚教团
- He went through the joys and sorrows of life. 他经历人生的悲欢。
- Organized Easter Holiday celebration for the elderly patients of Our Lady of MaryKnoll Hospital. 为圣母医院老人科举行复活节联欢活动。
- A religious shop sells souvenirs on 150th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady of Lourdes to Bernadette Soubirous, in Lourdes, France. 为纪念卢德圣母显圣150周年,法国卢德一个宗教商店正出售各式的纪念品。
- Be willing to share the sorrows of others. 要乐意去分担别人的痛苦。
- They will never sing the sorrows of this earth! 使它不再唱人世的伤悲。
- Huge fiestas are held all over Mexico and Central America to honor the day of Our Lady of Guadalupe. 墨西哥和中美洲各处都举行大型祭典来荣耀瓜达卢佩圣母节。
- And loved the sorrows of your changing face. 爱你容颜变迁中深藏的忧伤;
- A group for all who are members of the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes in Harpenden. 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。
- He has tasted sll the joys and sorrows of life. 他已尝遍了人生的甜酸苦辣。
- In August, the monks of Our Lady of the Holy Spirit broke a state record by spotting 59 butterfly species in a single day. 八月份,圣母玛利亚的圣洁心灵修道院的修道士们一天观测到了59种蝴蝶,这打破了州记录。
- Wang Ping: This was the sorrow of the human being. 王平: 这是人类的悲哀。