- Much of the literature on Enterprise Service Bus and Service Oriented Architecture focuses on Web services. 大量关于企业服务总线和面向服务体系结构的著作关注于Web服务。
- Probably the most difficult portion in developing a Services Oriented Architecture lies in determining what the right level of granularity of a Web Service should be. 在开发面向服务的体系结构的过程中可能最困难的部分在于,决定Web服务的粒度的正确级别应该是什么。
- Rachel consults with customers and ISVs on how service oriented architecture and Web services can be used to achieve their business and technical objectives. Rachel为客户和独立软体供应商提供谘询,向其讲解如何使用应用导向服务的架构和Web服务来实现他们的业务以及技术目标。
- Web services constitute a new computing model for Web application. The application based on Service Oriented Architecture is a promising trend of distributed computing. Web服务技术的兴起为网络使用提出了新的计算模型,构建基于面向服务体系结构(SOA)的应用是未来分布式计算的发展方向。
- These existing critical business applications can now form part of your Service Oriented Architecture. 这些现有的关键业务应用程序便可以形成您的面向服务体系结构。
- IBM Workplace from its outset has been designed as an application family based on a service oriented architecture. 而IBM Workplace一开始就被设计为基于面向服务体系结构的应用程序系列。
- IBM has been enhancing its wide range of IMS tools for the On Demand Service Oriented Architecture. 对于随需应变面向服务体系架构,IBM一直在扩大IMS工具的应用范围。
- Service Oriented Architecture provides you with the ability to develop and modify integration applications dynamically. 面向服务的体系结构向您提供了动态开发和修改集成应用程序的功能。
- This research builds debt collection system on credit card of AS/400 by Service Oriented Architecture. 本研究以服务导向架构的观念,重新检视建构于AS/400的信用卡债务催收管理系统。
- How can I start to construct, build, and put into place a system that has characteristics of the service oriented architecture? 我该如何开始组织、构建并将其放在具有面向服务体系结构特征的系统中?
- IBM Workplace is a set of collaborative functions that you work with in your portal, but the structure underneath is all service oriented architecture. IBM Workplace是一组协作功能,会在门户中用到这些功能,但是其本质结构都是面向服务的体系结构。
- IMS On Demand Service Oriented Architecture solutions help you quickly and easily configure your environment to address your needs. IMS随需应变面向服务体系架构解决方案有助于您快速、轻松地配置环境来满足您的需求。
- Integrating existing IMS applications and data into an On Demand Service Oriented Architecture can offer a number of benefits for organizations. 把现有的IMS应用程序和数据集成到随需应变面向服务体系架构中能让组织受益良多。
- services oriented architecture (SOA) 面向服务体系架构
- You can use WebSphere Process Server to develop and execute standards-based, component-based business integration applications in a Service Oriented Architecture. 可以使用WebSphere Process Server在面向服务的体系结构中开发和执行基于标准的、基于组件的业务集成应用程序。
- The demand of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Dynamic Electro-Business (DEB) and Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) is thereupon springing up. 面向服务的体系结构SOA、动态电子商务DEB和企业应用系统集成EAI的需求也随之迅速兴起。
- To achieve EAI based on Service Oriented Architecture(SOA) faces a major problem that how the legacy systems will be seamlessly connected to the evolving demands of new business. 在构建新系统时,利用已有的遗留系统应用程序能提高企业的效率,降低开销。
- NVS 2000 is is a complete real-time video surveillance network platform, entirely built on Microsoft’s .Net platform and designed for Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). 行政审批权力监管网络系统解决方案:为政府、事业单位、企业提供管理规范、应用规范、监督执行和信息公开的更高效、更完整的技术平台。
- It is also possible to deploy an applications grid, or a service oriented architecture, without changing the way information is managed or the way hardware is configured. 同样,部署一个应用网格(或者说基于服务的体系结构)既无需改变信息层的管理方式,也无需改变基础设施层的硬件配置。
- We can pretty much address the entire breadth of capability around organizations who are trying to deploy, or thinking about deploying, or want to deploy, a service oriented architecture. 我们可以把更多的精力放在某些组织的整个能力的广度上,他们试图进行部署、考虑部署或者是想要部署面向服务的体系结构。