- This paper discusses the advantages of FAQ of net consultative service of libraries,analyses the existing problems of net consultative service and puts forward suggestions about the improvement of net consultative service. 本文探讨了图书馆网上FAQ咨询服务的优越性 ,分析了网上FAQ咨询服务目前存在的问题 ,提出了网上FAQ咨询服务需要注意的改进事项。
- "Three zero" services are useful exploration and innovation for quality services of libraries in the digital environment. “三零”服务是在数字化服务环境下对图书馆优质服务的有益探索与创新。
- He died in the service of his country. 他为国捐躯。
- On Inclined Service of Libraries for Incompetent Individuals 谈图书馆对弱势群体的倾斜服务
- The period of service of a minister. 牧师任期充当牧师的时限
- His new overlord demanded the service of one of his sons. 他的新领主要求他的一个儿子为他服务。
- Vital Interests of the People and the Individuality Service of Libraries 以人为本与图书馆的服务工作人性化
- Multiple Service of Libraries under the Conditions of Market Economy 谈市场经济下图书馆的多元化服务
- Analysis of Origin and Development of the Open Method of Service of Libraries 图书馆开放式服务方式源流分析研究
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- Study on Management and Service of Libraries of Cambridge University 剑桥大学图书馆管理与服务模式的探讨
- They need the services of a good lawyer. 他们需要找个能干的律师协助处理。
- The paper presents the concepts and features of push technology,discusses the method of the realization of push technology, and points out the concrete measures of realization of the push service of library information. 本文论述了Push技术的概念及特点,探讨了Push技术的实现方式,指出了图书馆开展信息推送服务的具体实现方式。
- This paper discusses the necessity of humanized service of library,clarifies that the humanized service has to be carried out actively very much,and points out that the human nature service is the method to realize the new span. 本文论述了图书馆人性化服务的必要性,阐明人性化服务必须打好主动战,并提出了人性服务实现新跨越的方法。
- This text discusses to the definition,target and the basic characteristic of the open source software(OSS),points out the condition of the reference work,and the flexible service of library provided to readers based on OSS. 本文论述了开放源代码软件的定义、目标以及开发源码软件的基本特征,指出图书馆开展参考咨询工作中所需的条件,以及图书馆在参考咨询工作中利用开放源码灵活多样的为读者开展多样的服务。
- The profession, duties, and services of a minister. 牧师职务牧师的职业、职务和服务
- To bind into the service of another by indenture. 以契约约束按契约的规定为另一方服务
- The service culture of library is a culture of management.It is summation of an idea, a system, rules of conduct and organizing frame which formed during the readers' service of library. 图书馆的服务文化是一种管理文化,它是图书馆在读者服务工作中形成的理念、制度规范、行为准则与组织架构的总和。
- This paper has analyzes the content and characteristics of reference and consultancy service of library in information era,and put forward even higher requirements for reference librarian. 分析了信息时代图书馆参考咨询服务工作的内容和特点,以及对图书馆参考馆员提出了新的更高的要求。
- He can't do without (the services of) a secretary. 他不能没有秘书(的协助).