- Change the IP header type of the service field. 更改服务字段的IP头类型。
- We aspire after knight service to make Accln become the company in the highest flight in the QA service field. 我们对优质服务的无止境追求,致力于使东方亚腾电子成为最具有竞争力的QA和电子产品维修、组装服务公司.
- I got the message in initial of the business service field and learnt to be a honest and punctural girl. 商务服务->展会服务,房地产/建筑/装潢->建材,(个体经营),现有51-200职员
- Inviting market will attract more developer, serve the service field that become a fractionize undoubtedly and needs at developer. 诱人的市场将会吸引更多的开发者,服务于开发者无疑成为一个细分而必需的服务领域。
- With the supervision of service engineering &CRC Mgr, provide the technical support for the service field on Non-otis product service. 在维修技术支持经理的管理下,对非奥的斯品牌电梯提供维修现场技术支持。
- Shifting from fossil fuel towards renewable energy era is an important task of China's energy development strategy,among which,fuel oil substituting is an important service field. 从化石能源为主向可再生能源为主过渡,是我国能源发展战略的一项重要任务,其中,燃料油将是可再生能源服务的重要对象之一。
- To become a world leader in the embedded Internet Application Services field. 发展目标在嵌入式因特网产品和企业关联应用系统领域中处于世界领先地位。
- The Multiprotocol Label Switching(MPLS) is a new network technology that is quickly growing up,while Virtual Private Network,the greatest service field,is facing the challenge raised by the explosive increase of traffic in the network. 多协议标签交换MPLS(Multi ProtocolLabelSwitching)是一新兴的网络技术 ,不断趋于成熟 ; 而虚拟专用网VPN(VirtualPrivateNetwork)作为一个最大的服务领域 ,正面临网络业务量爆炸性增长所带来的挑战。
- With the development of computer technology and management science, providing decision support for water supply optimal control and applying DSS in the water service field were the direction of municipal water service management. 随着计算机技术和管理科学的发展,在城市供水企业中进行供水系统信息化管理,为供水系统优化调度提供决策支持,进而建立城市供水运行的决策支持系统是提高城市供水运行管理水平的研究方向。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- This provides some evidence that to reduce the potential for burnout, individuals in the social services field should consider making friends outside of their workplace. 这进一步证明了:要减少潜在的燃耗,社会服务领域中的个人应当考虑在其工作场所之外结交朋友。
- As the newest global CSS team, PFE was established in partnership with Enterprise Services to strengthen the Microsoft Services field engineering capability worldwide. 我们为微软所有上百个包括提供给企业级用户和个人用户的微软产品提供服务和技术支持。我们业务范围覆盖大中华区、亚太区、日本、美国、欧洲、中东、非洲;
- The microseismmic monitoring technology is a late-model technology of geophy sical exploration which is very wide service fields and application prospects. 微地震监测技术是一项地球物理探测新技术,具有广阔的服务领域和应用前景。
- The Diploma of Youth Work is designed to prepare trainees (students) to work at a professional level in the human services industry, specifically the Youth Services field. 成人教育工作文凭为学生们在公共服务行业,尤其是成人教育服务领域中以专业水准进行工作提供了条件。
- The main issues of Hunan's agricultural production service vary from the low specialization, narrowed services field, low degree of organization and backwardness of single-body service. 湖南农业生产服务存在的主要问题是专业化程度较低,服务领域狭窄,组织化程度不高,服务方式落后,服务主体单一。
- A new bus line has been brought into service. 开辟了一条新的公共汽车线。
- Its slow service gave the restaurant a bad name. 这家餐馆因缺乏效率的服务搞得名声很坏。
- He filed for a civil service job. 他申请公务员的工作。
- He paid only lip service to the dictator. 他只以空洞的应酬话对付那个独裁者。