- Serrated lesions 锯齿状病变
- Loss of the ability to read, usually caused by brain lesions. 读字不能,失读症通常由脑损伤引起的对阅读能力的丧失
- Having jags; jagged or serrated. 参差不齐的有尖锐突出部分的;凹凸不平的或锯齿状的
- Small lesions may exhibit no caseation. 微小病灶可不出现干酪性坏死。
- The treatment of skin lesions is symptomatic. 皮肤病变的治疗都是对症的。
- These are known as local lesions. 这些症状称之为局部病灶。
- Microvenular hemangioma is a benign lesion. 微静脉型血管瘤是良性病变。
- Lesions may be highly suggestive. 病变可能是高度病症性的。
- In sunburn, the development of lesions is delayed. 在晒伤时,病斑发展缓慢。
- Immunochemical Study of Acne Lesions. 痤疮皮损的免疫细胞化学研究。
- To shape or enlarge(a hole)with a tapered, serrated tool. 凿孔扩大用带齿的尖的工具钻或扩大(孔)
- To analyze CT features of every lesions. 分析各个病变CT表现的特点。
- The cells have an irregular shape with a slightly serrated border. 细胞的形状不规则,边缘呈锯齿状。
- Grossly, a granuloma tends to be a focal lesion. 肉芽肿是较局限化的。
- The small serrated edge tracing wheel is used for most fabrics. 大多数面料可用小的、锯齿边的擂盘。
- The lesion should not be squeezed. 不要挤压患部。
- To shape or enlarge(a hole) with a tapered, serrated tool. 凿孔扩大用带齿的尖的工具钻或扩大(孔)
- Breast cancer was a local lesion. 乳房癌是局部病变。
- No lesions were found on oral mucosa or aedea. 口腔黏膜及外生殖器未见损害。
- A tapered, serrated tool used to shape or enlarge a hole. 手钻用来钻孔,或扩大孔的尖细带齿的工具