- Some recruits of Seriatopora hystrix did not grow for more than a year. 同时尖枝列孔珊瑚幼生有部份幼生在一年内几乎没有增长。
- Within Pocilloporidae, the maximum diameters of juvenile Seriatopora hystrix was significant smaller than Pocillopora damicornis from 2-12 month. 而三种鹿角珊瑚科幼生中,尖枝列孔珊瑚幼生平均最大直径,在月龄2至12个月各月龄期,都有显著小于细枝鹿角珊瑚;
- Seriatopora hystrixn. 箭排孔珊瑚
- Description of the Form of the Symbiont Formed by the Roots of Castanopsis hystrix and Russula spp. 红菇与红锥形成的根共生体形态的描述。
- The result shows that the mycorrhiza formed by the symbiosing roots of Castanopsis hystrix and Russula spp. 红菇与红锥的根共生形成的菌根属外生菌根,分叉形状为单轴状,颜色呈浅黄褐色,菌根表面呈波纹状突起。
- In summer tassel, Luan tree, acacia, Hystrix real, Weigela flowers, rose, red flowering continuously Hundred Days. 夏季有流苏,滦树,合欢、猬实、锦带花,月季、百日红等植物开花不断。
- Castanopsis hystrix is one of the important planting tree species of south subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. 摘要红锥是南亚热带地区优良的珍贵乡土阔叶造林树种。
- Shan Zhou City last fall, Sin-yanlv zhong street fighting, "such as the vector sets are Hystrix" injured his left arm, still desperate fighting force. 终于攻陷陕州城,彦仙率众巷战,“矢集身如猬”,左臂受伤,仍拼死力战。
- The dominant species in arbor layer are Castanopsis eyrei, Schima superba, Castanopsis fissa, Castanopsis hystrix, Choerospondias axillaries, and Castanopsis lamontii. 植被优势种主要为甜椎、木荷、黛蒴、红椎、酸枣和青栲等。
- During 2001 to 2004, Culture experiments of ecological adaptation about five hardwoods including Castanopsis hystrix was made in five places of Zhongshan city. 2004年,在中山市5个点进行红锥等5个阔叶树种生态适应性栽培试验。
- Cucumis hystrix Chakr. 野黄瓜
- In summation, Cryptocarya chinensis, Castanopsis hystrix, Wendlandia for mosana were found to be most resistant to termite;while Scheffleraoctapkylla, and Litsea cubeba were the least resistant. 十二种树材中,以厚壳桂、火烧柯、水金京等3种树材之抗蚁性最为优良,而以江某、山胡椒最为低劣。
- The authors studyed the influence of the food and the degree of temperature and humidity to the growth of the Hystrix hodgsoni by adopting the method of the contrast experiment and statistic datas. 采用对比实验法和数据统计法,对食物、温度和湿度等因子对豪猪生长发育的影响进行了研究,结果表明:豪猪的生长发育与摄食量和食物品种有密切关系。在适宜的温度环境范围内,同一饲养阶段的豪猪随着摄食量的增加,其生长速度加快。
- Cutting Experiment of Castanopsis hystrix 红锥扦插育苗试验
- Nursery Technology of Castanopsis hystrix 红锥育苗技术
- Castanopsis hystrix high-quality timber plantation 红锥用材林
- hystrix a fast-migrating anodic band coded for Aat-2 (2). 母本表现为一条阳极快带,为等位基因Aat-2(2)所编码。
- hystrix a slow-migrating cathodic band coded for Aat-1 (1). 新种母本则表现为一条阴极慢带,为等位基因Aat-1(1)所编码。
- Study on Phenotype Variation of Castanopsis hystrix at Natural Distribution 红锥天然分布区表型变异研究
- Research on Multi - sites Seedling Trial of Castanopsis hystrix Provenance 红锥种源多点育苗试验研究