- Serial parts designed table 系列零件设计表
- Serial part design forms 系列零件设计表
- Various mechanism part design and man ufacture. 各类机械零件设计加工。
- Make up DVP report and make parts and engine part design. 起草DVP报告,进行部件和可调发动机部件系统的设计。
- Parts designed to eject into bin during automatic run must eject consistently. 把模具设计为在自动运行期间;产品被连续顶出;落入一个箱子里.
- serialize parts design 系列化零件设计
- Sets the schema of the design table for which the database query method will be generated. 设置将为其生成数据库查询方法的设计表的架构。
- The design table for fluctuating amplifying coefficient and the control design steps of the controlled structure are given. 给出了受控结构脉动增大系数设计表格和控制设计步骤。
- Topology optimization technology and is application in automobile parts design are introduced. 摘要介绍拓扑优化技术及其在汽车零部件设计中的应用。
- Switch machine equipment, industry electrical machine along with parts design, Manufacture, sales and after services. 生产配电用小型断路器、产业用变频调速器、电火花加工以及提供相关售后服务。
- Topology optimization technology and its application in automobile parts design are introduced. 介绍拓扑优化技术及其在汽车零部件设计中的应用.
- That's a radio serial in ten parts. 那是一部十集广播连续剧。
- The main products of whether wipers, auto parts processing, manufacturing, metal parts design, manufacture. 主要产品有无骨雨刷、汽车零配件加工、制造、五金零配件设计、制造。
- An example of an astronomic telescope key parts design process showed its feasibility. 以某天文望远镜的关键部件设计过程为例,说明了该方法的可行性和实用性。
- Call is accused of possessing an unregistered machine gun, as well as parts designed to convert manual firearms into automatic weapons. 烤鹅先生被控拥有未注册的机关枪,及用于将手动火器改造成自动武器的材料。
- Experience with plastic or ceramic part design using injection molding is highly desired. 最好具有与塑料或者陶瓷部件的注射成型工艺相关的工作经验。
- Research and realization of CAPP for serial parts of motor 汽车系列化零件CAPP系统的研究与实现
- The forth part designed salary system for administrators, salespersons and technical personals according to the characteristic of different staffs. 第四部分针对 IT 企业内部不同类型员工的特点为中高层管理人员、销售人员、技术人员的薪酬体系分别进行了设计,并构建了我国 IT 业薪酬体系设计的理论模型。
- Currency notes bear serial numbers. 钞票上有连续的号码。