- Septoria syringaen. 丁香壳针孢
- Through the window I caught the scent of syringa. 从窗口我闻到紫丁香的香味。
- Two new cultivated varieties of Syringa Linn. 丁香属植物二新栽培变种。
- Phenotypic Variation of Syringa oblata Lindl. 紫丁香表型多样性研究。
- Through the window I caught the scentof syringa. 从窗口我闻到紫丁香的香味。
- On hybrid embryo culture in vitro of Syringa L. 丁香(Syringa L.;)种间杂交幼胚离体培养研究
- Raising seedlings of Syringa pinnatifolia Hemsl. And S. Persica L. 羽叶丁香、花叶丁香育苗技术。
- Syringa oblata Lindl is classified as syringa plant of Oleaceae. 紫丁香(Syringa oblata Lindl),别名丁香,紫花丁香。
- Chemical Constituents of Volatile Oil from Leaf of Syringa oblata L. 丁香属紫丁香叶挥发油成分的研究。
- Through the window I caught the scent of syringa mixed with the smell of grass. 从窗口,我闻到紫丁香的香味搀和着青草的味道。
- Screening tests on several fungicides for controlling Septoria gentianae Thume on Gentiana spp. 防治龙胆草斑枯病药剂筛选试验。
- The soybean leaves were infected by Septoria glycines and presented morbid state after 7 or 15 days in June in the east of Heilongjiang provice. 大豆褐纹病在黑龙江省东部地区于6月中旬始见病斑,始发病期与当时气象因素有关。
- The viability and storage time of the pollen collected from three species of Syringa were studied. 对紫丁香、白丁香、花叶丁香三种丁香花粉进行了生活力测定和贮藏性研究。
- Study on Flower Volatile Chemical Compositions from Syringa oblata var. Affinis Lingelsh. 白丁香鲜花挥发性化学成分研究。
- The establishment of callus culture system and the suspension cell culture system of Syringa pubescens Turcz. 建立了小叶丁香的愈伤组织培养体系和悬浮细胞培养体系
- The extract of Syringa might suppress the secration of HBsAg and HBeAg in dose dependent and time dependent manners. 紫丁香叶提取物对 HBe Ag和 HBs Ag的分泌具有抑制作用 ,该作用呈现剂量依赖性和时间依赖性。
- Study on extraction of essential oil from syringa oblata and syringa reticulata var. 紫丁香;暴马丁香;挥发油;提取
- Objective: To provide a scientific basis for identification of Syringa oblata s cortex. 目的:利用生药学研究,为紫丁香茎皮的鉴别提供科学依据。
- Septoria polygonorum Desm. 红蓼壳针孢
- This paper reviews the research status of improving tobacco resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv.tabaci through bio-technology in recent years. 对应用生物技术提高烟草对野火病抗病性的研究进展进行了综述。