- septate desmosome 隔壁桥粒
- Leaf blade compressed, incompletely septate. 叶片压扁,不完全具隔。
- Here is a bifid (septate) uterus. 图示双房子宫(又称有隔子宫),是子宫畸形的一种,有时也会形成双宫颈,双阴道。
- These fungi are septate with simple pores in their cross-walls. 这些真菌在它们的横壁中是具简单孔的横隔膜的。
- The long, slender, almost clear tubes are the septate hyphae (B). 长的、纤细的、清晰的管子是分隔菌丝(B)。
- Herbs perennial, 5--10 cm tall, violet septate hairy throughout. 多年生草本,5-10厘米高,全部紫色具隔有毛。
- Septate hyphae of Aspergillus fumigatus were identified in the lung specimen. 在患者的肺标本中发现了烟曲霉菌隔菌丝。
- Branching, septate hyphae are close-packed here and radiating outward in this aspergilloma. 曲霉肿中有分支、有隔膜的菌丝聚集并呈放射状排列。
- Pods toward 1m long, 8-12cm wide, compressed, septate, with thick sutures; seeds suborbiculate, 4-6cm in diam. 荚果长达1米,宽8-12厘米,扁平,具荚节,边缘增厚,成熟后逐节脱落,每节内有1颗种子;种子暗褐色,有光泽,近圆形,直径4-6厘米。
- Histo pathology showed granulomatous response with numerous light brown septate branch ing hyphae. 损害中分离出的真菌25℃和37℃生长良好。
- Results Six cases were diagnosed as complete septate uterus,19 cases as subseptate uterus and 10 cases as bicornuate. 结果6例诊断为完全纵隔子宫,19例诊断为不完全纵隔子宫,10例诊断为双角子宫。
- Microscopic examination of the crusts found round brown chlamydospores and brown septate hyphae. 痂皮直接镜检见圆形厚壁暗棕色孢子及棕色分隔菌丝。
- Purpose: To compare the value of ultrasound, hysteroscopy and laparoscopy in diagnosing septate uterus. 目的:评价超声、宫腔镜和腹腔镜诊断纵隔子宫的价值。
- All lack septate hyphae and are commonly coenocytic; spores are formed by asexual means. 所有缺乏隔膜的菌丝是通用的多核细胞的;孢子通过非性方式产生。
- The cytoplasmic cords of protonephridial capillaries do not contain a septate junction. 原肾管的毛细排泄管细胞质索之间没有隔状联结;
- Cytoplasmic filaments (arrow) are attached to the desmosome, contributing to its density. 胞浆内的微丝附着在桥粒上(箭头所示)参与构成其致密结构。
- Plants large, robust. Leaf blade terete, sometimes slightly compressed when dry, distinctly and perfectly septate. 植株大,粗壮。圆柱状的叶片,有时干燥时稍压扁,清楚和完全具隔。
- Histological examination revealed the presence of numerous septate hyphae in the dermis. 皮损痂皮和组织镜检、培养和组织病理学检查证实为串珠镰刀菌感染。
- To investigate the clinical value of hysteroscopic therapy on sterile patients with septate uterus. 探讨宫腔镜手术治疗子宫纵隔畸形的不孕不育患者的价值。
- Ovary inferior, ovate, apex truncate or with a membranous crown, sometimes septate. 子房下位,卵形,先端截形或具一膜质冠,有时具隔。