- Sepia aculeatan. 目乌贼
- Here's some samples of sepia tone photos. 下面是一些深褐色调照片的样本。
- Soft lens, black and white, sepia effect! 2、在文件管理器中直接卸载。
- Conclusion: The compound sepia capsules can prolong life. 结论:复方乌贼墨胶囊具有延缓衰老作用。
- Overlays available are Sepia, Black&White, Negative. 重叠可用的棕褐色,黑白,否定的。
- Ciniao Sepia, the two threatened brown feathers and short crown. 雌鸟深褐,两胁褐而羽冠短。
- A spiny tropical American tree (Parkinsonia aculeata) having clusters of yellow flowers, green branches, and bipinnately compound leaves. 扁叶轴木:一种产于热带美洲的多刺的树(扁轴木扁轴木属),长有簇生的黄花、常绿枝条、二回羽状复叶
- Introduces a cooperative hypermedia authoring environment,SEPIA which was developedby Norbert streitz in Germany. 介绍了德国人Norbertstreitz研究开发的合作超媒体作者环境sepia。
- Objective:To study the influence of compound sepia capsules on the function of anti-aging. 目的:考察复方乌贼墨胶囊对延缓衰老的影响。
- You can also tint the image or create a sepia tone print, all from a single dialog. 重点是要让你的处理日常快照或佳作时多一点快速技巧。这对每个人来说都是有点用处的。
- A tropical American cactus (Pereskia aculeata) with climbing or trailing spiny stems, broad leaves, and clusters of fragrant whitish, pale yellow, or pinkish flowers. 西印度仙人掌:美洲热带地区仙人掌(叶仙人掌叶仙人掌属)的一种,有攀沿或蔓生的多刺茎,叶宽,开一簇簇白色、淡黄色或粉色有香味的花
- He knows he still has a lot to learn, about life beyond the sepia room. This world, now - his world. 他知道他还有很多要学,关于在那件暗房之外的生活。这个世界,如今。
- A tropical American cactus(Pereskia aculeata) with climbing or trailing spiny stems, broad leaves, and clusters of fragrant whitish, pale yellow, or pinkish flowers. 西印度仙人掌:美洲热带地区仙人掌(叶仙人掌叶仙人掌属)的一种,有攀沿或蔓生的多刺茎,叶宽,开一簇簇白色、淡黄色或粉色有香味的花
- Xiongniao black head and Fei Yu, Sepia back, neck and wings of the white spot on a large waist white, brown chest. 雄鸟头部及飞羽黑色,背深褐,颈及翼上具粗大的白斑,腰白,胸棕色。
- The investigation results showed that there were many types of arm formulas in Sepia esculenta. 研究结果表明;金乌贱不同时期的不同个体出现了不同的腕式。
- Any of various squidlike cephalopod marine mollusks of the genus Sepia that have ten arms and a calcareous internal shell and eject a dark, inky fluid when in danger. 乌贼任一种乌贼属的乌贼状的海洋软体头足动物,生有十个腕以及一个钙质内壳,并且在危险时能排出黑色墨水状液体
- In a faded sepia picture, a young Chinese woman wearing an elaborately embroidered blouse, sarong and finely beaded slippers, stares out from history. 在已经褪色的深褐色图片中,一名年轻的华人女子穿著精致绣花的上衣、纱笼和绣珠鞋,仿佛从历史中凝视大家。
- Sepia esculenta (Cephalopoda: Sepioidea) is widely distributed in the sea areas of Russian Far East, China, Japan, Korea and Philippines. 摘要金乌贼广泛分布于俄罗斯远东海海域,中国沿海,日本本州、四国、九州海域,朝鲜西海岸、南海岸海域,以及菲律宾群岛海域。
- A different gloss Try different print opti***: white border instead of borderless, matte instead of glossy, textured surfaces, sepia, and such. 出片的时候可以尝试不同的效果:比如咱们一般照片没有边框,试试加个白边?一般用光面纸,咱试试绒面的?
- A different gloss Try different print options: white border instead of borderless, matte instead of glossy, textured surfaces, sepia, and such. 出片的时候可以尝试不同的效果:比如咱们一般照片没有边框,试试加个白边?一般用光面纸,咱试试绒面的?