- Rényi熵Rényi entropy
- Erdos-Rényi随机网络Erdos-Rényi random network
- 在 I sent her a postcard 一句中,her 一词处于与格。In the sentence, 'I sent her a postcard', the word 'her' is in the dative.
- Hájeck-Rènyi不等式the Hájeck-Rènyi inequality
- Average Sent Voice Message Size是发送的语音邮件的平均大小(秒)。Average Sent Voice Message Size is the average size, in seconds, of voice messages that are sent.
- Hájek-Rényi型最大值不等式Hájek-Rényi type maximal inequality
- Háyek-Rényi型最大值不等式Háyek-Rényi type maximal inequality
- 电子邮件可以处于下列四种可能的状态之一:sent、unsent、retrying和failed。E-mail messages have one of four possible statuses: sent, unsent, retrying, and failed.
- 另一个可选参数允许您仅删除作为sent_status参数指定的特定类型的电子邮件。Another optional argument allows you to delete only e-mails of a certain type, specified as the sent_status argument.
- Average Recent Sent Voice Message Size是最近发送的50封语音邮件的平均大小(秒)。Average Recent Sent Voice Message Size is the average size, in seconds, of the last 50 voice messages that were sent.
- 如果约定未包含至少一个SENT BY ANY或SENT BY INITIATOR消息类型,CREATE CONTRACT语句将失败。The CREATE CONTRACT statement fails when the contract does not contain at least one message type that is SENT BY ANY or SENT BY INITIATOR.
- 请在日志项中搜索下列错误消息:cannot、could not、failure、server error、timed out、unable to以及the server sent a response。Search the log entries for the following error messages: cannot, could not, failure, server error, timed out, unable to, and the server sent a response.