- Senecio stauntoniin. 闽粤千里光
- Study of the Senecio Scandens Buch-Ham. 千里光的研究进展。
- Extract from Senecio scandens Buch. -ham. 千里光提取物
- New species of Senecio and its allied genera. 千里光属及其近缘各属之新种.
- Studies on the Constituents of Senecio laetus Edgew. 菊状千里光的甾醇类成分研究。
- Microscopic Identification of Senecio argunensis Turcz. 羽叶千里光的显微鉴定。
- Any of various plants of the genus Senecio,having rayed,usually yellow flower heads. 千里光多种千里光属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状花序。
- Effect of Penicillin and Gibberellin on Seed Germination and Seedling Quality of Senecio Cannabifolius less. 青霉素与赤霉素对返魂草种子萌发及成苗素质的影响。
- Any of various plants of the genus Senecio, having rayed, usually yellow flower heads. 千里光多种千里光属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状花序
- Title: Studies on the antibacterial chemical constituents of Senecio cannabifolius Less. 关键词:麻叶千里光;千里光属;抗菌活性成分;化学成分;酚酸类
- Metaplexis stauntonii R. [医] 萝ě
- The results showed that the effect of compound media on the plug seedling and inner effect of Senecio cruentus was remarkable. 结果表明,不同配比的复合基质时瓜叶菊穴盘育苗质量和后期效应有显著差异。
- Abstract: This paper reports the studies on the shapes,properties and microstructures of Pennisetum flaccidum,Cynanchum stauntonii,easily confused with those of Rhizoma Imperatae Comparision was made for the identification of the confusing drugs. 文摘:对白茅根的混淆品白草、柳叶白前根茎进行了药材性状和显微组织构造研究,并与正品白茅根作了对照,供鉴别参考.
- Summarize the constituents,pharmacologically,toxicokinetic,clinical research and analytical method of the Senecio scandens Buch-Ham.on the world. 综述了国内近年来对千里光化学成分、药理作用、毒理作用、临床研究及分析方法的研究状况。
- Senecio glabellus, native to the eastern United States and having pinnately divided leaves and bright yellow, radiate flower heads. 千里光属植物一种一年或两年生的多汁植物(美洲千里光千里光属),产于美国东部,生有羽状裂叶和亮黄色辐射状花冠
- New Eremophilanoid Sesquiterpene from Senecio Oldhamianus Hua Yang , QiXiu, Zhu, ZhongJian, Jia. Chin.Chem.Lett. 2002 , 13, 139. 千里光中四个新倍半萜的结构杨华王春明贾忠建师彦平化学学报2001,59,1686.
- Any of several plants of the very large genus Senecio in the composite family,having yellow flower heads,especially S. aureus of eastern North America and S. jacobaea of Europe. 千里光属,一种菊科千里光这个大属的草木植物,有黄色花冠,尤指北美洲东部生长的金色千里光和欧洲生长的雅克宾千里光。
- A succulent annual or biennial plant(Senecio glabellus),native to the eastern United States and having pinnately divided leaves and bright yellow,radiate flower heads. 千里光属植物一种一年或两年生的多汁植物(美洲千里光千里光属),产于美国东部,生有羽状裂叶和亮黄色辐射状花冠。
- A succulent annual or biennial plant(Senecio glabellus, native to the eastern United States and having pinnately divided leaves and bright yellow, radiate flower heads. 千里光属植物一种一年或两年生的多汁植物(美洲千里光千里光属),产于美国东部,生有羽状裂叶和亮黄色辐射状花冠