- Senate President Chea Sim 参院主席谢辛
- Founded in 2005 mainly produces dehydration shallots. Cabbage. Carrot. Celery. Coriander. Suanpian such as dehydrated vegetables. Chea Sim and various spices, powder. 公司创建于2005年主要生产脱水青葱.;高丽菜
- Hu made the remarks in a meeting with French Senate President Christian Poncelet, who is on a week-long visit to China. 他同时会见了法国参议长CP;CP将对中国进行为期一周的访问.
- Pray for wisdom for Senate President Diop and Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade as they are deciding if and how to collaborate with Iran. 当他们决定如果及如何与伊朗合作时,为参议院主席狄欧普及塞国总统阿布督来有智慧祷告。
- House of Representatives to impeach President the right to make decisions, the Senate president can try the guilt or innocence. 众议院有权提出弹劾总统的决定,参议院可以审判总统是否有罪。
- French Senate President Christian Poncelet delivered a private letter from the French President to Jin Jing condemning an aggressive move against her. 在中国一些地方出现反法抗议示威之后,法国总统萨尔科齐派遣特使修补与中国的关系。
- Poncelet is paying his third China trip as French Senate president from April 21-27, at the invitation of Chinese top legislator Wu Bangguo. 蓬斯莱此次是应中国人大常委会委员长吴邦国之邀,第三次以法国参议院议长身份于4月21号到27号来华进行访问。
- French Senate President Christian Poncelet in a meeting Jin Jing, said that following the last time in Beijing to see Jin Jing, this is already the second time the two met. 法国参议院议长蓬斯莱在会见金晶时说,继上次在北京见到金晶后,这已经是两人的第二次会面。
- Nigerian banks must stop using attractive women to persuade customers to open accounts, Senate President David Mark was quoted as saying in Thursday's newspapers. 据上周四消息,尼日利亚参议院议长大卫?马克要求银行必须立刻停止利用美女来劝说客户开户的做法。
- When Hendricks died in office, on Nov. 25, 1885, both the Speaker of the House and Senate president positions were then vacant, leaving no one to replace him. 当1885年11月25日亨德里克斯死于任上时,参众两院的议长职位都空缺出来,无人接替。
- Lieutenant Governor Jim Guy Tucker, House Speaker John Lipton, and Senate President Jerry Bookout assured me they would take care of the state in my absence. 副州长吉姆.;盖伊
- Sarkozy's invitation was delivered in a letter presented to Jin by French Senate President Christian Poncelet soon after he arrived in Shanghai for a week-long visit to China. 金晶被称为“最美丽的火炬手”,她是来自上海的残疾人击剑运动员,本月7日奥运火炬在巴黎的传递过程中,她用身体奋力保护火炬不被“藏独”分子抢夺。
- Thus far, Senate President Toni Jennings, who promised to ensure a fair hearing for title-loan reform, has done nothing to stop the outrage.She has been sitting by quietly, letting it happen. 可是到目前为止,曾经许诺要对这种借贷公司给予公正评议的参议院主席托妮.;詹宁斯女士,并没有采取任何措施去阻止这种罪行。
- The Senate confirms all treaties. 所有的条约都由参议院批准。
- The Senate has voted to support the President's defense plans. 参议院已经投票支持总统的防卫计划。
- The US senate vote against the proposal. 美国参议院投票反对该建议。
- The Senate resolved to accept the President's budget proposals. 参议院通过决议接受总统的预算建议。
- Henry is nowhere when it comes to the race for class president. 亨利在竞选级长中被远远抛在后面。
- The new president carried out a purge of disloyal army officers. 新总统对不忠诚的陆军军官进行了一次整肃。
- The Senate adjourned for the summer. 参议院夏季休会。