- semitendinous bursa 半腱肌囊, 股二头肌上囊
- Copulatory bursa draw out to 3/4on the tail. 交合伞不全包盖尾;至尾部约3/4处.
- You who knows bursa remedial insomnia? 你们谁知道囊个治疗失眠?
- Bursitis is inflammation or irritation of a bursa. 滑囊炎是滑囊的炎症。
- A painful swelling of the bursa of the first joint of the big toe. 大趾内侧,会疼痛的肿炎。
- The ulcer has perforated into the lessor omental bursa. 溃疡穿透到小网膜囊。
- The ulcer has perforated into the lesser omental bursa. 溃疡穿透到小网膜囊。
- I asked the operator to get me Adana,Kozan,Bursa,Ankara,Kayseri and Izmir. 于是我请接线员给我接通了亚达那、科扎恩、布尔沙、安卡拉、开塞里和伊士麦。
- In 5% of cases synovial bursa waspresent below the end of piriformis tendon. 5%25±2.;18的梨状肌腱止端的下方有滑液囊。
- I asked the operator to get me Adana, Kozan, Bursa, Ankara, Kayseri and Izmir. 于是我请接线员给我接通了亚达那、科扎恩、布尔沙、安卡拉、开塞里和伊士麦。
- The flabby Mao Qiu in wool bursa gradually to on extend, fall off till hair. 毛囊中松弛的毛球逐渐向上伸,直到毛发脱落。
- Sufferred from disease of pig bursa cercaria to there are those symptoms? 患了猪囊尾蚴病有那些症状?
- Conclusion The operative method in which the biceps muscle semitendinous muscle are transferred to replace the guadriceps fe... 结论股二头肌-半腱肌代股四头肌术效果最好。
- Mesometrium, ovarian bursa and ovary are all favourable implantation sites. 卵巢组织种植于子宫系膜、卵巢囊和卵巢内均可以得到良好的效果。
- Abstract:Ask: Thank the doctor's answer, I checked bursa sex is swollen. . 正文:问:感谢医师的应答;我查看了囊性肿.
- There were pathologic lesions in the thymus,bursa and spleen of the chickens. 结果显示,感染雏鸡胸腺、腔上囊及脾均表现不同程度的病理学损伤。
- Often need to be differentiated with photograph of foliaceous bursa caruncle. 常需与叶状囊肉瘤相鉴别。
- Objective To probe the clinical results of a new designed operation-double semitendinous reconstruction of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) with invasive mini-plate. 目的设计应用双股半腱肌闭合拉出钢板法重建膝关节后交叉韧带,探讨其手术要点及临床效果。
- Objective: To study the diagnostic value of CT on enlarged iliopsoas bursa. 目的:探讨髂腰肌囊扩张的CT表现,诊断价值及鉴别。
- Abstract:Objective To probe the clinical results of a new designed operation-double semitendinous reconstruction of posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) with invasive mini-plate. 摘 要:目的 设计应用双股半腱肌闭合拉出钢板法重建膝关节后交叉韧带,探讨其手术要点及临床效果。