- Leaf Water Potential of Seabuckthorn and Influence Factors in the Semiarid Loess Hilly Region 半干旱黄土丘陵区沙棘叶水势及其影响因子
- Semiarid loess hilly region 半干旱黄土丘陵区
- The funnel shaped catchment afforestation is a new forestry technique in semiarid loess hilly area. 漏斗式集流造林技术是黄土丘陵半干旱区旱作林业的一个创新。
- Semiarid loess hilly and gully region 半干旱黄土丘陵区
- Landform southeastern forest areas for earth and rock, the western loess hilly region along the River Valley. 地貌东南部为土石森林区,西部为黄土丘陵区,沿川为河谷区。
- Nongzhong loess hilly region is a brittleness ecology environment with a sparse vegetation cover and severe soil erosion. 陇中黄土丘陵区生态环境脆弱,历史时期人为活动强烈,导致生态环境退化与农牧交替频繁。
- The runoff plot experiment and nitrification experiment was made to study nitrogen loss and sapplying capacity on slopping farmland in loess hilly region. 在黄土丘陵区坡耕地黄绵土上进行径流小区试验,研究侵蚀条件下土壤氮素流失规律,并采用硝化力培养方法研究黄绵土的供氮能力。
- Mechanism of soil and water loss under rainfall and earth surface characteristics in a semiarid loess hilly area 半干旱黄土丘陵沟壑区降水特征值和下垫面因子影响下的水土流失规律
- Experiment on Funnel-shaped Catchment Afforestation in Semiarid Loess Hilly Area 黄土丘陵半干旱区漏斗式集流造林试验初报
- Keywords loess hilly region adaptability xeric structural feature; 黄土丘陵;适应性;旱生结构特征;
- Optimizing land use structure by linear programming in the loess hilly region for constructing eco-agriculture 黄土丘陵区生态建设中农林牧土地结构优化模式探讨
- A Study on the Water Flow in the Trunks of Different Tree Species in the Loess Hilly Region 陕北黄土丘陵区主要成林树种耗水量研究
- The cultivation technique of major fine pasture in the semiarid and loess hilly area wasstudied and reviewed in details. 比较详细地研究总结了半干旱黄土丘陵区主要优良牧草的栽培技术。
- Change about Soil Erosion and Soil Properties in Reclaimed Forestland of Loess Hilly Region 黄土丘陵林地土壤侵蚀与土壤性质变化
- Changes in Land Use Patterns in Small Catchment in Past 60 Years in Loess Hilly Region on Loess Plateau 黄土丘陵区纸坊沟流域60年来土地利用格局变化研究
- Li xiaoyan.Gravel-sand mulch for soil and water conservation in the semiarid loess region of northwest China[J].Catena,2003,2:105-127. 王亚军谢忠奎张志山魏兴琥李凤琴.;甘肃砂田西瓜覆膜补灌效应研究[J]
- This study provides scientific basis for forestation of seabuckthorn and speed harnessing harness barren hills on semiarid Loess Region. 本研究为沙棘在黄土高原半干旱区大面积荒山抗旱造林,经营管理提供了科学依据。
- Characteristics of Energy Transform in Vertical banding of Soil Erosion Chain in Loess Hilly Region 黄土丘陵区土壤侵蚀链各垂直带能量转化特征研究
- Characteristics of nutrient cycling of different vegetation types in the Zhifanggou Watershed on the Loess Hilly Region 黄土丘陵区流域主要植被类型养分循环特征
- Excessive Depletive Dynamic of Soil Water of Pupulus simonii in Loess Hilly Region 黄土丘陵区小叶杨林地土壤水分过耗动态