- The factors impacting selective cutting intensity 谈影响择伐强度的因素
- Selective cutting intensities 择伐强度
- Study on the selective cutting intensity and generation techniques of broad-leaved korean forests 阔叶红松林择伐强度及更新技术的研究
- selective cutting intensity 择伐强度
- The 2 years comparative research of the net gain tillers, leaves regrowth and cumulative yield for perennial ryegrass under different cutting intensities and cutting times. 摘要对不同刈割强度和时间下,混播草地中多年生黑麦草净分蘖数和叶片生长季节动态及其年积累和年产量进行了2年的比较研究。
- Some governments are unable or unwilling to make selective cuts. 某些政府不能或不愿去作有选择的削减。
- Firstly, the population height fell with the increasing of cutting intensities and differed significantly among treatments of medium (M), heavily (H) and over defoliation (HH) in the scale of P<0.05. 首先,种群高度随刈割强度增加而降低,各刈割处理之间(M、H、HH)高度差异显著(P<0.;05);
- Selective cut of the nerves of the inferior turbinate under the nasal endoscope is feasible. 结论:鼻内镜下选择性地切断支配下鼻甲的神经支配是可行的。
- Conclusion: Selective cut of the nerves of the inferior turbinate under the nasal endoscope is feasible. 结论:鼻内镜下选择性地切断支配下鼻甲的神经支配是可行的。
- Cutting and Copying Files To cut or copy files, select them and then select Cut or Copy on the Edit menu, or right-click the files and select Cut or Copy. “剪切和复制文件”若要剪切或复制文件,请先选中这些文件,然后在“编辑”菜单中选择“剪切”或“复制”,或者右击这些文件并选择“剪切”或“复制”。
- Die & mold high-speed cutting database system gets developed by structuralized program and standardized database by using this system die material select cutting tool option and swarf select can be realized. 采用结构化程序和规范化数据库技术开发了模具高速切削数据库系统,使用该系统可实现模具材料查询、刀具选择和切削用量查询。
- The influence on selected cutting parameters is observed and compared when the two objective functions are sequenced in two different priority hierarchies to optimize the par... 用分层单纯形法求解最优解,观察和比较了各项指标按不同的优先层次优化时对所选切削用量的影响。
- Amberlith Brand mane for a red-or orange-coated acetate sheet. The coating is strippable; that is, it can be selectively cut and peeled away for masking purpose. 琥珀胶片是商品名称。一种带有红色或橙色涂层的醋酸胶片。涂层成薄膜,可随意裁割剥去,作遮光用途。
- Effects of selective cutting of different intensities on the tree layer structure and species diversity of evergreen broadleaved forest 择伐作业对常绿阔叶林乔木层树种结构及物种多样性的影响
- She helped to select a dress for Ruth. 她帮着给露丝选了一件衣裳。
- I haven't given up smoking but I'm cutting down. 我没有断烟,但是抽烟少了。
- She is selective in the dresses she wears. 她对于自己穿的衣服精挑细选。
- Drilling is cutting a hole with a drill. 钻削就是用钻头钻一个孔。
- Effects of Different Intermediate Cutting Intensities on Growth of man-made Broad-leaved and Korean pine mixed forests 不同间伐强度对人工阔叶红松林生长的影响
- She only stays at select hotels. 她只住一流旅馆。