- Selective Service Training Act 选征兵役制军训法
- When must all males register for the Selective Service? 所有男性到了哪个年龄必须登记当选择性征兵?
- Support on service Training, safety stock belong to distributor! 服务培训支持,确保代理安全库存的合理化。
- Good governance and the value of incorruptibility are taught in our Civil Service training institute. 新加坡公务员训练学院必备的课程之一,是良好管治之道与廉洁的价值观。
- Professional financial service training adds to what you can learn from academic training. 专业的金融服务培训能使你学会很多书本上没有的东西。
- Lack of training acts as a block to progress in a career. 缺乏训练会妨碍事业的发展。
- This paper recommends comparing methods with service training, fields service and emergency measures on PPC service. 摘要归纳了比较方法在复印机维修中的作用,结合复印机维修培训和现场维修实践介绍比较方法及应用情况。
- In the field of pharmaceutical care, patient's right to select service and rights of knowing, safety and healthy should all be considerd in anagraph form. 药学服务领域中,医院处方应保障患者的知情权、生命权、健康权和服务选择权。
- The Force offers language training courses to officers in conjunction with the Civil Service Training and Development Institute. 除了公务员培训和发展机构方面的培训之外,又与公务员培训处为各人员合办语文训练课程。
- The selection service replaces the current selection with the replacement. 此选择服务用替换内容替换当前选定的内容。
- His usual trails are near his ranch in Crawford, Texas, and near a Secret Service training facility at Beltsville, Maryland. 由于车子的速度过快,他与一名正在执勤的英国警察相撞,导致2人均轻度受伤。
- This is the Island Line Express service train bound for Chai Wan. The next station is Chai Wan Teminal. 本班列车为港岛线急行,前往柴湾。下一站:柴湾终点站。
- He was prosecuted for draft evasion, and the government argued that the court should not entertain his claim to be exempt because he had failed to exhaust his remedies within the Selective Service System. 他被指控逃避服兵役,政府则争论说法院不应受理他的可免除的申诉,。 因其没有用尽义务兵役制度的补救方法。
- On March 21, 1970, I got a letter from Lee Williams saying that he had talked to Colonel Lefty Hawkins, the head of the Arkansas Selective Service System, who told him we would all be called. 在1970年3月21日,我收到一封来自李.;威廉姆斯的信,上面说他与阿肯色州义务兵役机构的一把手拉夫提
- MORE front-line staff are being encouraged to take up external training under a scheme launched by the Civil Service Training and Development Institute last year. 去年,公务员培训处推出计划,鼓励更多前线员工报读外间课程,自我增值。
- Comprehensive Employment and Training Act; 综合就业训练法;
- The Fire Services Training School and the Ambulance Command Training School organise a 26-week initial training for new recruits. 消防训练学校及救护训练学校均为新聘人员提供26星期的初级训练。
- Payments made before the daily cut-off time of your selected service will be recorded as received on the same day. 在你所选用的服务机构每天截数时间前完成的交易,会列入当天的交易。
- Government Employees Training Act 政府雇员训练法案
- Manpower Development and Training Act 人力发展与训练法