- Selective Service Act 选征兵役法
- When must all males register for the Selective Service? 所有男性到了哪个年龄必须登记当选择性征兵?
- A bill to amend the public Health Service Act with respect to the National Foundation for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 245公共健康服务法中有关疾病控制及预防中心国家基金会之修正法案。
- Exhibitors are to bear the expenses for repair or display improvement in conformity with the Fire Service Act and Exhibition Regulations to insure safety. 为确保安全,根据消防服务法令以及展览会规章制定的规定进行修理或装饰改进,所产生的费用由参展方承担。
- In the field of pharmaceutical care, patient's right to select service and rights of knowing, safety and healthy should all be considerd in anagraph form. 药学服务领域中,医院处方应保障患者的知情权、生命权、健康权和服务选择权。
- The selection service replaces the current selection with the replacement. 此选择服务用替换内容替换当前选定的内容。
- He was prosecuted for draft evasion, and the government argued that the court should not entertain his claim to be exempt because he had failed to exhaust his remedies within the Selective Service System. 他被指控逃避服兵役,政府则争论说法院不应受理他的可免除的申诉,。 因其没有用尽义务兵役制度的补救方法。
- On March 21, 1970, I got a letter from Lee Williams saying that he had talked to Colonel Lefty Hawkins, the head of the Arkansas Selective Service System, who told him we would all be called. 在1970年3月21日,我收到一封来自李.;威廉姆斯的信,上面说他与阿肯色州义务兵役机构的一把手拉夫提
- I urge you to pass both my faith-based initiative and the Citizen Service Act, to encourage acts of compassion that can transform America, one heart and one soul at a time. 我敦促你们批准我提出的针对信仰组织的计划和公民服务法案,以鼓励能使美国改变面貌的关爱行动,逐一逐次地感化一个又一个心灵。
- But under the State Services Act only the mother is paid during three months of that time. 但是,这个国家的法律规定,只有母亲才能享有这长达三个月的假期。
- Payments made before the daily cut-off time of your selected service will be recorded as received on the same day. 在你所选用的服务机构每天截数时间前完成的交易,会列入当天的交易。
- Article 10 The Civil Servant Services Act shall apply to the salaried chairperson, president, comptrollers and directors representing state-owned shares of the Company. 第10条 本公司受有薪给之董事长、总经理、监察人及代表公股之董事,应有公务员服务法之适用。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- Indicates the component has some form of visible user interface and the selection service is drawing a selection border around this user interface. 指示组件具有某种形式的可视用户界面并且选择服务正围绕此用户界面绘制选择边框。
- Fair Trade in Financial Service Act of 1995 1995年金融服务公平贸易法
- Selective Service Administration 选征兵役局
- Railways and Harbours Service Act; 铁路和港务服务法;
- Selective Service College Qualification Test 选征兵役制大学资格测验
- the Universal National Service Act 全民服务法案