- Select the empty picture frame. 选择空白图片框。
- After inserting and sizing the empty picture frame, you can apply formatting to it as if it were a picture. 插入空白图片框并调整尺寸后,您可以将图片框视为图片对其应用格式。
- After you have created the empty picture frame, you can resize it to the dimensions you want. 创建空白图片框后,您可以将其调整到所需尺寸。
- And passes the empty picture box to it. 过程,然后将空的图片框传递给它。
- Select the text box or picture frame that you want to move. 选中要移动的文本框或图片框架。
- Select the text box or picture frame that you want to resize. 选中要调整大小的文本框或图片框。
- The bevel of that picture frame was damaged. 那个镜框的斜角已被损坏了。
- Apply formatting to an empty picture frame 对空白图片框应用格式
- You can adjust any of the text or picture frames to better fill the empty space. 可以调整任何文本框或图片框以更好地适应空白空间。
- , And then click Empty Picture Frame. ,再单击“空白图片框”。
- His footsteps echoed (in the empty hall). 他的脚步声(在空荡荡的大堂里)产生了回声。
- The empty house has fallen into decay. 那座空房已成一片颓垣。
- The empty boat was floating on the sea. 一只空空的小船浮在海面。
- She had the picture framed and hung up in her room. 她把这张画配上框子,挂在自己房里。
- A single light burned in the empty house. 那所空房子里有一盏孤灯亮著。
- I am tired of the empty rhetoric of politicians. 我讨厌政客们的花言巧语。
- The picture frame has changed, so as your name. 物是人非,连你的名字也改变了。
- Fear came upon her as she walked along the empty street. 她走在空荡荡的街上,突然产生一种恐惧。
- You can resize or move the picture frame. 您可以调整图片框的大小或移动其位置。
- Can student willfully select the course? 学生可以随意选择课程吗?