- Selaginella prostratan. 地卷柏
- Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron. 江南卷柏
- Selaginella pulvinata (Hook.et Grev.) Maxim. 垫状卷柏
- Selaginella doederleinii Hieron. 深绿卷柏
- Objective To study the immunomodulatory function of Eclipta prostrata(EP) on immune system in mice. 目的研究墨旱莲水煎剂的免疫调节作用。
- Objective To establish an effective qualitative discrimination method for Selaginella medicinal materials. 摘要目的对卷柏属药材建立有效的定性鉴别方法。
- Objective: To study the distribution of flavonoids among the plants for medicinal use of Selaginella . 目的:研究黄酮类化合物在11种卷柏属药用植物中的分布。
- Conclusion The method can help to control the quality of Selaginella moellendorfii Tablet. 结论该方法有助于控制江南卷柏片的质量。
- In plants, trabeculae may be found in Selaginella stems, where they suspend the steles in large air spaces. 植物中,卷柏的茎内具有横隔,将中柱分隔为多个气腔。
- OBJECTIVE: To determine the content of the Amentoflavone in Selaginella tamariscina from Guizhou and Hunan by RP-HPLC. 目的:建立以反相高效液相色谱法测定贵州、湖南卷柏中穗花杉双黄酮含量的方法。
- Method: Fourteen species of Selaginella were observed and photographed with Scanning Electron Microscope. 方法:应用扫描电子显微镜对卷柏属14种植物的小孢子进行了观察。
- Selaginella broadly distributes in the mixed and pure forests, and it holds an important position among understory vegetations. 卷柏是地被层的唯一植物,在侧柏纯林和混交林中分布都很广,在林下植物中占有重要地位。
- Methods: HPCE analysis was carried out on the ethyl acetate extracts of 18 Selaginella plants (from 11 species), using MECC separation model. 方法:采用HPCE的MECC的分离模式,对18个卷柏属植物样品的乙酸乙酯提取物进行测定。
- Its dominant families are Dryopteridaceae,Polypodiaceae and Athyriaceae,and its dominant genera are Dryopteris,Selaginella and Arachniodes. 区系综合系数为-0.;290;在相比较的8个山地区系中位居第6;
- Ludwigia prostrata Roxb. 丁香蓼
- Definition: Moellendorff spikemoss herb is the dried whole plant of Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron. (Fam.Selaginellaceae). 本品为卷柏科卷柏属植物江南卷柏Selaginella moellendorfii Hieron.;的干燥全草。
- Wedelia prostrata Hemsl. 尖刀草
- A method for determination of amentoflavone in extract of Selaginella tamariscina by high performance liquid chromatography was set up. 用反相高效液相色谱法测定卷柏提取物中的穗花杉双黄酮。
- Eclipta prostrata L. 鳢肠
- Objective:The aim of this work is to probe into micromophological character of megaspores of Selaginella and their significance in taxonomy. 目的:探讨卷柏属植物大孢子微形态学特征及其在植物分类学和药材鉴定学上的意义。