- Sekine Shinobu 关根忍
- Kore-eda certainly gained new insight from Sekine, with only past memories remained in him. 是枝从只有旧记忆的关根身上,得到了新的体会。
- If he has to say something, he gets his waiter Shinobu Gamo to speak on his behalf. 如果他说几句话,他得到他的侍者忍蒲生代表他发言。
- Ken Yasukawa, Hitoshi Sekine, Mechio Takido. Two flavonol glavonol glycosides from Lysimachia fortunei [J].Phytochemistry, 1989,28(8) : 2215. 于德泉.;分析化学手册(第七分册;第二版)[M]
- "She has lost just once at the Priory, in the semifinals two years ago to Japan's Shinobu Asagoe, and that was after a third set tiebreak. 莎拉波娃现在依然记得自己当时有多么失望:“我忘了妈妈当时正在飞往纽约的飞机上,所以我联系不上她。
- J. Zhao, M. Sekine, S. Ushiki, T. Sato, T. Nabeshima, and T. Nakano, “An improved interleaved forward converter,” IEEE PESC, pp. 1-5, Jun. 2006. 林景源,“双变压器主动箝位顺向式与返驰式转换器”,国立台湾科技大学电子工程系博士论文,民国九十六年七月。
- Recent Development in Open System for EMS/SCADA[J].Yutaka Kokai Fumio Masuda Satoshi Horike Yasuji Sekine Electric Power&Energy System Vol.20 No.2. 姜彬;罗玉孙;叶周.;面向对象技术在EMS图像系统中的应用[C]
- Junichi Emura, Shinobu Kakizaki, Fumiyuki Yamaoka,Michiya Nakamura. Development of the semi-active suspension system based on the sky-hook damper theory[J]. SAE Paper, 940863. 周云山于秀敏.;汽车电控系统理论和设计[M]
- His daughter-in-law, Rie (TERAJIMA Shinobu) had telephoned to tell him that his son, Ken-ichi (NAKAI Kiichi) is seriously ill, and asking for his father. 但多年来的父子隔阂使儿子拒绝见他。但高田仍然决定帮助儿子去完成他的心愿。
- H. Matsuo, K. Kobayashi, Y. Sekine, “Novel Solar Cell Power Supply System Using a Multiple-Input DC-DC Converter,” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 281-286, 2006. 吴峰羽,“以太阳光电能与市电为电源之多输入电力转换器研制”,国立中正大学,电机工程研究所,硕士学位论文,民国91年。
- CL Yang.H Okamoto.A Yokoyama.Y Sekine Expert system for fault section estimation of power system using time sequence information 1992(2-3 许仪勋.;陆拯
- L Yang.H Okamoto.A Yokoyama.Y Sekine Expert system for fault section estimation of power system using time sequence information 1992(2-3 许仪勋.;陆拯
- Shinobu 忍
- Tabata Shinobu 田畑忍(1902-),日本人,法学教授。
- Sonoda Shinobu 园田忍(1897-?),日本人,工科教授。
- Sarashima Shinobu 皿岛忍(1929-),日本人,官员。
- Sekine Kosato 关根小乡(1905-),日本人,法官、律师。
- Sekine Hideo 关根秀雄(1895-?),日本人,法国文学专家。
- Orikuchi Shinobu 折口信夫(1887-1953),日本人,古典文学专家、民俗学专家、歌人。
- Hashimoto Shinobu 桥本忍(1918-),日本人,剧作家。