- The General Manager and the Security Manager will proceed to the Emergency Command Centre (PABX Room) to give command on the evacuation. 总经理和保安部经理必须在紧急命令中心(自动交换机房)指挥撤离。
- The Sport Command Centre (SCC) operates within the Main Operations Centre (MOC) of an OCOG as a sub-centre of the MOC. 竞赛指挥中心是奥组委主运行中心体系中的一个分中心。
- But the electoral command centre, where all results were being totted up, has been dismantled and ballot boxes taken away. 在选举指挥中心选票得以统计,但是这个选举中心已经被废除掉了,选票箱也被拿走了。
- WITH its big electronic screens and global satellite links, the command centre feels like the heart of a vast military campaign. 通过巨大的电子屏幕和全球卫星联接系统,指挥中心就像是一场大型作战的心脏所在。
- Message: Fixed: max security level check in. Security command, normalize player name and encode before use. Let apply this command to offline player. 修复最大安全等级检查.;security命令;在使用之前规格化玩家名字和密码;让这个命令适用未连线的玩家。
- Till 6 o'clock 15th May, Command centre of Mianzhuan has confirmed 4250 dean, this is almost put it amongst the regions with the highest death-toll. 截至5月15日下午6点,绵竹市委指挥部宣布核实的遇难者人数已达到4250人,这几乎是省内死亡数字最高的地区之一。
- For better control of the traffic at a disturbance the Swedish National Road Administration (SNRA) has traffic equipment which can be controlled from a command centre. 因此,本论文在曼哈顿街道式车辆随意网路中,提出了一个有效且具有延展性的交通资讯收集通讯协定,让驾驶可以得知远端的交通资讯。
- After that, all of us took a break within a shift because we needed to report to the police station and our Centre Command Centre, even no demonstrator living in the temporary shelter . 打点好一切后,得知农民已安排好自己的住宿问题,因此我们也松了一口气,但接下来仍有工作要做,例如要定时向警署和部队指挥中心汇报情况,就算是了空无一人,也要汇报,所以我们需要轮流休息,随时接收讯息。
- The safe communication ability was strengthened to guarantee the secure command on disaster recovery. 模型强化通信保障能力以提供安全可靠的灾难恢复控制;
- Intelligence and Security Command 情报和保密司令部
- Philippine Air Force Security Command 菲律宾空军保密司令部
- The commanding centre back needed stitches in a wound caused by a late challenge from Wayne Rooney at Stamford Bridge on Saturday but played on, despite his obvious discomfort. 维恩·鲁尼星期天在斯坦福桥的比赛中的犯规导致特里的受伤,那个伤口需要缝合。尽管感到明显的不适,但这位有着领袖气质的中后卫还是坚持打完了比赛。
- Protection of Refinery Command Centres, Control Rooms, Test Facilities, Production and Assembly Plants. 用于保护石化控制中心,控制室,检测设备,生产装配车间等等。
- Security Command Language Processor 保密指挥语言处理机
- Air Force Electronic Security Command 空军电子保密司令部
- national military command centre 国家军事指挥中心
- Army Intelligence and Security Command 陆军情报与保密司令部
- Nominated Primary Alternate Command Centre 任命的主要预备指挥中心(北约)
- Army Training and Security Command in Kuwait 陆军驻科威特训练与警备司令部
- Primary Alternative Command Centre 主要备用指挥中心(北约)