- Are you a Secondary School Teacher? If yes, please fill in "Y". 请问您是否中学教师?如是,请填上"Y"。
- I wanted to give something back to society, so decided to retrain as a secondary school teacher. 中国保险业发展所面临的诸多重大问题,在很大程度上也要依赖信息化建设水平的提高。
- He used to be a countryside shop assistant, magazine editor, secondary school teacher, IT market schemer and now he lives in Beijing. 从事过乡村营业员、杂志编辑、中专教师、IT市场策划等职业,现居北京。
- Zheng, X.M. &Adamson, B.The Pedagogy of a Secondary School Teacher of English in the People's Republic of China: Challenging The Stereotypes. 王晓群、郑新民.;大学生对中外英语教师教学方式评价引发的课堂教学改革思考
- Dr.Catherine K.K.Chan started her career as a secondary school teacher, and later a school inspector and curriculum developer in Hong Kong. 陈嘉琪博士曾在中学任教,后成为香港学校督导和课程发展专员。
- LAI Man-hong served as secondary school teacher and project coordinator at Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research, CUHK. 黎万红教授自九十年代初起已开始进行有关华人社会教育政策的研究,专注于香港与内地教育政策的比较。
- Al-Madina newspaper said secondary school teacher Mohammad al-Harbi will be flogged in public after he was taken to court by his colleagues and students. 麦地那报说,中学教师穆罕默德.哈比被他的同事及学生移送法庭后,将公开接受鞭刑。
- A secondary school teacher appeared in court after being charged for allegedly soliciting illegal rebate over the purchase of a musical instrument which was financed by the Quality Education Fund. 一名中学教师,涉嫌代学校购买乐器时向供应商索取非法回佣,被廉政公署拘控并提堂。有关购置乐器计划由优质教育基金资助。
- A secondary school teacher has set himself dramatically against the tales of heroism arising from the Sichuan earthquake by describing how he callously abandoned his pupils to their fate. 一位中学老师描述他如何在地震中丢下他的学生不管,这位老师因此和四川大地震中的主流的英雄主义背道而驰。
- Description: Speaker: Eld Pan Cheng Ren from Taiwan, previously was secondary school teacher, he has been sent to Thai, Sabah, west Malaysia etc, to assist the RE Training Work for the past few years. 潘长老曾是中学教师,在过去的几年曾被差派到泰国、沙巴、西马等国协助宗教教育之训练工作。
- Primary school teachers are demanding parity with those in secondary schools. 小学教师要求与中学教师同酬.
- Speaker: Eld Pan Cheng Ren from Taiwan, previously was secondary school teacher, he has been sent to Thai, Sabah, west Malaysia etc, to assist the RE Training Work for the past few years. 潘长老曾是中学教师,在过去的几年曾被差派到泰国、沙巴、西马等国协助宗教教育之训练工作。
- All pre-service training courses provided by the HKIEd for primary and secondary school teachers are being progressively upgraded from sub-degree to degree or higher level. 由香港教育学院提供的中小学教师职前师资训练副学位课程,正逐步升格为学位或以上程度的课程。
- By 2004,all the pre-service training programmes for primary and secondary school teachers will have been upgraded to degree level. 到二零零四年,所有中小学教师职前师资训练课程会全部升格为学位课程。
- Starting from 2004-05,all new graduates of pre-service training programmes for primary and secondary school teachers will be degree holders. 由二零零四至零五学年开始,所有完成中小学职前师资训练课程的毕业生,都会持有学位。
- The responsibility for training young successors for the revolutionary cause rests particularly heavily on the primary and secondary school teachers and on kindergarten personnel. 尤其是中小学教师和幼儿教育工作者,负有培养革命接班人的幼苗的重任。
- A series of seminars was organised especially for secondary school teachers to help them use the rich and varied resources of the archives as teaching aids in the classroom. 历史档案馆特别为中学教师举办一系列讲座,协助他们使用各类内容丰富的历史档案资料,作为课室的教具。
- Starting from 2004-05, all new graduates of pre-service training programmes for primary and secondary school teachers will be degree holders. 由二零零四至零五学年开始,所有完成中小学职前师资训练课程的毕业生,都会持有学位。
- By 2004, all the pre-service training programmes for primary and secondary school teachers will have been upgraded to degree level. 到二零零四年,所有中小学教师职前师资训练课程会全部升格为学位课程。
- My mother is an ordinary secondary school teachers, with the world, like all mothers, she poured her love for all in me. 我的妈妈是一位普通的中学教师,同天下所有母亲一样,她把她全部的爱倾注在我身上。