- We never use second quality ingredients. 我们决不使用次等配料。
- Second quality item 次品
- We never use second quality ingredients to build building. 我们决不使用次等材料用于建筑。
- Kitchen gadgets (high quality items - openers, utensils, etc. 厨房器皿(精制的----瓶起子、容器、工具等)
- While the price tags of current high-end binoculars seem to increase faster than ever, it becomes more interesting to take a look at the second quality line offered on the binoculars market. 当当前的顶级双筒望远镜的价格标签比以往涨得都快的时候,看一看市场上提供的第二等的镜子就变得非常有意思了。
- I just want to welcome you all to Jenn's Place.Here you will find quality items at the lowest prices.Hey isn't that why we shop at ebay? 为保障出价者的私隐,当物品的价格或最高出价达到或超过某金额时,会员帐号就会以匿名显示。
- French lace toupee Man and women lace toupees with 100% human hair are durable and quality items they have vivid appearance let you full of young blood. 蕾丝男/女发块: 100%25人发制作的蕾丝男女发块做工精细,质量上乘,外观生动,经久耐用,可以让你焕发青春的活力。
- We are thinking about allowing only the initial crafter to repair very high quality items, but this can be a problem if the player is not online or canceled his account. 我们正在考虑这样一件事情,就是仅让最初的工匠去修补高质量物品,但是也这也会造成一些问题,比如该玩家不在线或者删除了账号。
- I like the first item better than the second one. 同第二项相比,我更喜欢第一个项目。
- Many companies that market their products through distributors sell quality items at competitive prices. But some offer goods that are overpriced, have questionable merits or are downright unsafe to use. 很多公司通过分享者销售的产品是优质产品并且价格合理。但是,有些公司提供的产品是高价的,价值值得怀疑的,甚至完全不能使用的。
- He singled and went to second on a passed ball. 他击出一垒打,再因对方漏接而跑上二垒。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- More than a Bazaar where you’d pick up unique, funky and eclectic gifts in an arty atmosphere, our main objective is to promote new promising designers focusing on exclusive and high quality items. 在那里有和谐典雅的氛围,还有可爱有趣的小礼物。正像大家所熟知的那样,现在上海很有特色的设计师涌现出了高潮。
- It travels thousands of miles per second. 它一秒钟能走几千英里。
- The second snub settled his hash. 第二次碰壁使他不敢再找麻烦了。
- The second term commences in March. 第二学期自三月开始。
- The second item is not so good as the first one. 第二条不如第一条好。
- The second item wasn't so good as the first one . 第二条不如第一条好。
- He kicked the car down from third to second. 他把汽车排档从3档降为2档。
- Her second novel was taken apart by the critics. 她的第二部小说受到评论家的严厉批评。