- Second Battle of Dover 第二次多佛尔之战(1652)
- On nodotAugust 30th, 1862During the American civil war, the second battle of Bull Run ends in Manassas, Virginia. 1862年8月30日,在美国内战期间,南北战争的第二场战役在弗吉尼亚州的马纳萨斯市结束。
- World War II: Second Battle of El Alamein ends - German forces under Erwin Rommel are forced to retreat during the night. 第二次世界大战:第二次阿拉曼战役结束,隆美尔统领的德国军被迫在当晚撤退。
- It was the site of the second Battle of the Marne (June 3-4, 1918), which ended the last major German offensive in World War I.Population, 14,557. 是1918年6月3日至4日的第二次马恩战役的旧址,这次战役结束了第一次世界大战中德国最后一次主要的进攻。
- The port of Dover is England's gateway to Europe. 多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门。
- The Second Battle of Manassas in August 1862 brought the Confederacy to the height of its power and opened the way for the first Confederate campaign into the north. 1862年8月玛纳萨斯第二次战斗,把南部邦联带到政权高度,为它在北方开辟了第一次同盟竞选的道路。
- However, there were the Confederate victories in Tennessee scored by General Morgan and General Forrest and the triumph at the Second Battle of Bull Run hung up like visible Yankee scalps to gloat over. 不过在摩根将军和福雷斯将军指挥下南部联盟军在田纳西州打的胜仗,和第二次布尔溪战役的胜利,是可以作为击溃北军的战利品而加以吹嘘的。
- They died in the Battle of Waterloo. 他们战死于滑铁卢战役。
- The site of the battle of Waterloo is in Belgium. 滑铁卢战役的遗址在比利时。
- The ship was sailing in the direction of Dover. 轮船向多佛尔方向驶去。
- The Straits of Dover can be very rough. 多佛海峡风浪可能很大。
- The port of Dover is Englands gateway to Europe. 中文:多佛港是英国进入欧洲的大门.
- This painting depicts the Battle of Waterloo. 这幅画描绘了滑铁卢战役。
- Jiangnanchun: Explore a Second Battle Field. 广告人物开辟第二战场。
- The two often engage in a battle of words. 他俩总是唇枪舌剑的。
- The straits of Dover lie between France and England . 多佛海峡位于英法之间。
- Vietnam War: Battle of Dak To begins. 越南战争:达喀图战役开始。
- Dover Castle is to the east of Dover, overlooking the town. 多佛城堡位于多佛市东边,俯瞰全镇。
- The battle of Sevastopol was costly for both sides. 塞瓦斯托波尔之战苏德两方付出了代价都是极高的。
- They reenacted the battle of Princeton. 他们再演出了那场战斗。