- Seaward Recovery Point 海上援救点
- Reduce prism power until patient regains single vision.This is recovery point. 继而减少棱镜的度数,直至被测者诉影像恢复为单像,称为恢复点。
- To restore any file, the file backup must be an ancestor of the recovery point of the database. 若要还原任何文件,文件备份必须是数据库恢复点的祖先。
- If the primary file is being restored, the recovery point determines the state of the whole database. 如果正在还原主文件,则恢复点将确定整个数据库的状态。
- Clause to specify that the log record that is immediately before the mark is the recovery point. 子句,将紧挨在标记前的日志记录指定为恢复点。
- The target recovery point can be any point in time or mark within a transaction log backup. 目标恢复点可以是事务日志备份中的任何时间点或标记。
- Under the full or bulk-logged recovery model, restoring log backups is required to reach the desired recovery point. 在完整恢复模式或大容量日志恢复模式下,必须还原日志备份才能到达所需的恢复点。
- Generally, a log backup is required after that point to cover the recovery point for the file. 通常在该点后都需要日志备份,以覆盖文件的恢复点。
- Disposable amenities, please render to use up to the articles recovery point of medical equipment. 一次性卫生用品,用完请投放到医疗器械用品回收点。
- Roll forward the database by restoring log backups in sequence, finishing with the backup that contains the recovery point. 通过按顺序还原日志备份、完成包含恢复点的备份来前滚数据库。
- In the redo phase, data is always rolled forward to a point that is redo consistent with the state of the database at the recovery point. 在重做阶段,始终将数据前滚到与数据库在恢复点的状态一致的点。
- The redo phase applies the logged transactions to the data copied from the backup to roll forward that data to the recovery point. 重做阶段将记录的事务应用到从备份复制的数据,以将这些数据前滚到恢复点。
- The sequence of data and log backups that have brought a database to a particular point in time, known as a recovery point. 使数据库到达特定时间点(称为恢复点)的一组数据和日志备份。
- Is the process of copying data from a backup and applying logged transactions to the data to roll it forward to the target recovery point. 是指从备份复制数据并将记录的事务应用于该数据以使其前滚到目标恢复点的过程。
- Operational Continuity offers improved Recovery Time Objective (RTO) and Recovery Point Objective (RPO) over tape for local recovery. 操作连续性针对通过磁带进行的本地恢复提供了改进的恢复时间目标(RTO)和恢复点目标(RPO)。
- In an online restore, the recovery point is the point when the data being restored was taken offline or made read-only for the last time. 对于在线还原,恢复点就是要恢复的数据最后一次变为离线或只读时的点。
- We left the harbor and sailed seaward. 我们离开港口,朝海上航行。
- The differential backup followed any other restores that were performed in the original piecemeal restore to restore the data up to the original recovery point. 在原始段落还原中执行的旨在将数据还原到原始恢复点的所有其他还原之后的差异备份。
- If it is necessary, after you restore the file backup, restore a differential file backup, if any, and log backups to bring the file to the target recovery point. 如有必要,在还原文件备份之后可还原差异文件备份(如果有)和日志备份,使文件到达目标恢复点。
- This extra work is unavoidable, because restore does not know the recovery point in advance and cannot predict which files are present in the database at an unknown point. 此附加工作是不可避免的,因为还原不能预先得知恢复点,也不能预测未知点上哪些文件显示在数据库中。