- Based on cause analysis of perlite entering piston oxygen compressor with inlet gas,corresponding treatment measures are described.The seal gas of cold box was moved from nitrogen pipe to waste nitrogen pipe to prevent similar accidents. 分析了活塞式氧压机进气带珠光砂的原因,介绍了处理措施,把冷箱密封气从氮气管线上改到污氮管线上,以杜绝类似事故再次发生。
- Seal gas of cold box 冷箱密封气
- Operation and trouble shooting in the case of trouble of cold box,which is a core equipment in Braun ammonia processes introduced. 介绍在布朗合成氨工艺中占核心地位的冷箱处于故障情况下的生产方式和解决措施。
- In the expansion of Yanshan ethylene plant, the cold box was made at home, resulting in obvious social and economic benefit. The Piping design of cold box is introduced. 乙烯冷箱国产化具有显著的社会经济效益,其配管设计从管道布置,应力材料等方面统筹考虑,使国产化冷箱成功投产。
- John bravely kicked the habit of cold turkey. 约翰勇敢地没有借药物的帮助就断然戒掉了毒瘾。
- John regards fame as not worth a glass of cold without. 约翰认为名声不值一杯掺了冷水的酒。
- A blast of cold air hit him as he opened the window. 他打开窗,一股寒冷的空气直向他扑来。
- Pressure at the outlet of cold box 出冷箱压力
- Waste gas Of cars breeds air pollution. 汽车的尾气造成空气污染。
- My brother have a firm belief in the value of cold bath. 我的兄弟坚信洗冷水澡有益健康。
- What fruit is good to alvine gas of the person? 什么水果对人的肠气好?
- Application of Cold Box Core Process for Modern Lean Cast 应用冷芯制芯中心,迈向现代精益铸造
- A stream of cold air rushed through the open door. 一股冷空气从敞开着的门口窜了进来。
- He faced another day of cold fog. 他碰到的是又一个寒冷有雾的日子。
- They went outside for a breath of cold air. 他们走出去呼吸一口清新的空气。
- A stream of cold air flowed into the warm room. 一股寒气流进了温暖的房间。
- A sudden gust of cold wind made me shiver all over. 一阵突如其来的冷风吹得我浑身直哆嗦。
- According to the former test rig, elements of new system was improved and redesigned, such as turboexpander, heat exchanger, cold box, as well as the pressure gas supply system. 并成功地将新型箔片动压气体轴承低温透平膨胀机应用在空气制冷机上。
- Give me a glass of cold water, please. 请给我一杯冷水。
- The backing pressure of seal changed, in the mean time clean gas supply is changing accordingly to keep constant different pressure between seal gas supply and backing pressure. This will ensure a stable working environment of DGS. 干气密封背压变化时,密封气供应需保持动态跟随,使密封气与其背压之间的压差保持恒定,以此来保证干气密封稳定的密封环境。