- Jinjiang City Public Rail Combined Transport Corporation 晋江市公铁联运公司
- Since there is no direct vessel,we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by rail and sea. 由于没有直达船只,我们只好安排海陆联运。
- Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by rail and sea. 由于没有直达船只,我们只好安排海陆联运。
- In the meantime, the COMPANY has started 10 sea-road combined transport and 2 rail services to the Midwest China. 同时,公司已开通了10条海陆联运航线和2条铁路运输线通往中国的中西部。
- Since there is no direct vessel, we have to arrange multimodal combined transport by land and sea. 由于没有直达船,我们只能安排海陆联运啦。
- It's simplercheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transport. 安排联运对双方都既简单又经济。
- I don't like this kind of combined transportation. 我不喜欢这种联运方式。
- The presented transport document is a combined transport document (CTD) showing the entire transport as performed by means of two journeys, the first part by sea and remaining part by air. 提交的运输单据是联合运输单据(CTD),显示全程运输用两段航程完成,第一部分用海路运输,剩余部分用航空运输。
- CIP loaded in container and free on railway wayon at CY or CFS near station.Payment SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading. 条款一:用集装箱装载且由铁路货车免税运输的;支付时不依照联合运输的提货单.
- It's easy to cause a delay in shipment or even lose the goods completely when we arrange such combined transport. 这种联运方式货物容易丢失,也常误期。
- It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transport. 安排联运对我们双方都既简单又经济。
- The two sides agreed to employ"combined transportation" to ship the goods. 双方决定联运货物。
- We think it necessary to move the articles by way of combined transportation. 我们认为联运货物十分必要。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- CIP loaded in container and free on railway wayon at CY or CFS near station.Payment against SINOTRANS combined transport bill of lading. CIP貿易術語用集装箱装载且以整櫃或散貨的方式由铁路货车免税运输到交貨地附近,收到多式聯運提货单後付款。
- This chapter also analyzes the differences between NVOCC and Combined Transport Operator (CTO) and international freight forwarder. 在无船承运业务操作中经常出现内容提要的风险有提单侵权风险、无正本提单放货风险及运费风险等。
- Sometimes,the way of combined transportation has the complicated formalities. 有时联运的手续十分繁琐。
- Is it a discrepancy?No, it is not a discrepancy provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same combined transport dox. 根据UCP600第20条C款II注明''将要''或者''可能''(WILL OR MAY TAKE PLACE)的单据可接受,不知该如何理解这里?
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves. 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。