- We should have a broad heart in the face of life. 我们要用一颗宽广的心去面对生活。
- We live around the sea like frogs around a pond. 我们环绕着大海(爱琴海)而居,如同青蛙环绕着水塘。
- There is soil that looks like broad expanses of red silk, decorated with the long curving rows of pink and white flowers of the cotton plant. 此地还有红绸般的大片土壤,上面点缀着棉地里的粉红色和白色花朵。
- Mr. Yu also has guts, talent, and a broad heart to go this far. This is what I lack. 俞校长有非凡的勇气、胆量、天赋和一颗仁慈、博大的心把新东方的事业坚持到今天。这是我所缺乏的。
- LORD, if Thou send me wealth like broad rivers, do not let the galley with oars come up in the shape of worldliness or pride. 主啊,若祢加添我财富,莫让世俗的虚荣感爬进我心;
- I am seeking for friend with broad heart and open minded, well_cultivated and good heart, wish we can learn from each other and share both rejoice and tears of life together. 我寻找真诚善良,阳光开朗,喜欢运动,胸怀宽广的有知识有修养的好朋友,在一起能投缘,谈得来,共同分享生活中的泪与笑。
- Fly high in a rainstorm like an eagle.Thresh about in a rough sea like a beach swimmer. 像老鹰在风雨中翱翔,像弄潮儿在海浪中搏击。
- He makes the deep boil like a cauldron; He makes the sea like a pot of ointment. 31??股钤??鋈绻??寡蠛H绻?蟹刑诘母嘤汀
- Dachaoshan bowing to the Shannanxinnv diverse riding, the human sea like clouds. 朝山拜佛的善男信女纷纭踏来,人海如云。
- He makes the depths churn like a boiling caldron and stirs up the sea like a pot of ointment. 他使深渊开滚如锅,使洋海如锅中的膏油。
- The divorced philosophy lecturer asks in his message "Is it nature or nurture? Come and find me. I am a human being at sea like you, like everyone. 在剧中,一位离过婚的哲学讲师在留言中问到:“这是自然天成还是后天养育?来找我吧。我和你还有每一个人都一样,是住在海边的一个人。
- I love the sea: I love the calm sea, and I love the surging sea even more, but never before had I ever seen the sea like this, so valiant, so unrestrained, so wild. 我爱海,我爱平静的海,更爱奔腾的海,但我从来没有象这回这样,看到这样豪迈、这 - 样奔放、这样疯狂的大海。
- This includes a spectacular colony of Socotra cormorants, estimated to be 200,000-strong, which cover the sea like a vast rain-cloud when they take off. 这包括一个非常壮观的索克特拉鸬鹚群落,估计有20万只以上,当它们起飞时,就像一大片乌云一样覆盖在海面上空。
- "The Tuamotu Archipelago is strewn across the empty sea like a string of bright pearls.They are atolls, coral crowns on the rims of ancient volcanoes outlined in breaking surf. 土阿莫土群岛像一串明亮的珍珠项链一样散布在空旷的海域.;古老的火山群的轮廓由海浪拍击而成;周边都是环礁;珊瑚冠
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- The clear blue sky looks like the deep sea. 碧空像深邃的大海。
- In no minute did the sea run amuck. 倾刻间海上刮起了大风暴。
- The storm heaved the sea into mountainous waves. 风暴在海面上掀起万丈波涛。
- The sea have erode the cliff face over the years. 海水经年累月冲刷著峭壁的表面。
- The sea was choppy today because of the windstorm. 今天起了风暴,海上波涛汹涌。