- Sea Training Staff 海上训练参谋
- Train staff in using the system. 培训所有员工使用数据库系统。
- Ability to develop and train staff in quality systems. 具备在质量体系方面开发和培训员工的能力。
- There is a scarcity of trained staff. 缺乏受过训练的人员。
- There is a scarcity of trained staff . 缺乏受过训练的人员。
- Our local Innovation Centers give retailers the opportunity to train staff. 我们的地区创新中心给零售商带来培训员工的机会。
- Reliable trained staff is scarce. 可靠的受过培训的职员太少了。
- Make new rules, auditing and train staff, and make new operating systems. 制定新制度.;审核培训人员;制定新的运行机制
- Train staff frequently with watchfulness on identifying the allergen. 定时对员工进行培训,让员工接受警觉性训练,识别过敏源。
- How to leave south bridge town for (namely Shanghai Feng Xian school of normal university area bay tourist area sea train of thought 100? 您的位置:凡人谷知道>地区>上海>奉贤区>如何从南桥镇去上海师范大学奉贤校区(即海湾旅游区海思路100号)?
- Our trained staff can help you set up your workspace and office. 我们训练有素的职员能帮助您布置您的工作间。
- Hiring and training staff, replanting forest and bamboo and movingfarmers away from panda habitats is costly. 人员的招聘和培训、栽竹造林以及将农民迁出从熊猫栖息地,这些都花费不菲。
- The Training staff marvels at the 20 year old's professional approach to being ready. 格里芬是一个努力的人谁是留在致力于塑造和改善自己的球技。
- Panel Discussion Creating tomorrow's shopping center leaders - panel discussion on developing and training staff to succeed in shopping centers. 小组讨论创造未来的购物中心领导:如何开发和培训员工以取得购物中心的成功。
- The train staff will come by and tell you, they will give you your ticket back and take the plastic ticket. 乘务员将会通知您,他们会把车票还给您,然后把塑料牌收回去。
- Bage is, after all, animals, people learn language slower, training staff to be meticulous and patient, must not rude, otherwise they will be wasted. 八哥毕竟是动物,学人语速度较慢,训练人员要细致、耐心,切忌粗暴,否则会前功尽弃。
- The sea had eaten away much of the shore. 海浪对海岸侵蚀得厉害。
- Beat has told Newsbeat that health clubs should train staff to spot and members who are over-exercising. 一个健身俱乐部应该培训相关的工作人员,负责各自的本职工作。
- JHF community health training staff helped Ms Huang Weizhi's family recover from the shock of an accident and regain confidence for life. 建华社区健康培训人员帮助黄维芝一家从伤病的打击中回复过来,重新对生活充满了信心。他们的邻居和亲戚也得到了很大的鼓舞。
- Continuation Operational Sea Training 海洋操作训练连续