- Scutellaria macrodontan. 大齿黄芩
- What is Scutellaria baicalensis Extract? 什么是黄芩的提取物?
- Scutellaria baicalensis and Cremastra appe... 01),其中黄芩、毛慈菇激活作用较好。
- Scutellaria barbata D.Don is a plant native to southern China. 半枝莲是南方常见的一种中草药,主要含有生物碱和黄酮化合物。
- Objective Increasing the liquid diaphanous, it contains Scutellaria Baicalin. 摘要目的:提高含有黄岑制剂的口服液的澄明度。
- Optimization of root - tip pretreatment and karyotype analysis for Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. 黄芩根尖预处理方法的优化及其核型分析。
- Studies on the Nutrition Characteristic and Fertilization Domino offect in Scutellaria Baicalensis GEORGI. 黄芩营养特性及施肥效应的研究。
- Scutellaria extractive: scutellaria extractive is the active component which comes from the desiccative radix of scutellaria belonging to labiatae. 我公司从唇形科植物黄芩的干燥根中提取的有效成分,可作为多种医药产品的生产商提供原料保障。
- Title: Optimization of root - tip pretreatment and karyotype analysis for Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. 关键词:黄芩;根尖;染色体;核型分析;细胞学
- When Scutellaria baicalensis was vapoured for an hour, it turned soft and bright yellow. 黄芩蒸 1h软化切片 ;色黄鲜艳 ;黄芩素含量较高 ;质量较好 ;与冷浸 2 4h切片比较 ;黄芩素含量平均高 2 2 .;9%25。
- Aim To study optimial technology for autogenesis-enzyme hydrolysis of total flavonoid glycoside in scutellaria. 目的研究黄芩自生酶催化水解总黄酮苷的工艺条件。
- The Curative effects of the compound nose drops of scutellaria root for rhinallergosis were tested and verified. 复方黄芩滴鼻液对过敏性鼻炎有确切疗效,通过对27例过敏性鼻炎患者观察,20例有效,5例好转,且无毒副作用,药效高,安全可靠。
- Objective: to confirm the optimal transplanting time of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. 摘要目的:确定黄芩的最佳移栽时间。
- Objective: To develop a simple, reliable approach for evaluating the quality of Huangqin ( Scutellaria baicalensis ). 目的:开发简便、可靠的评价黄芩品质新方法。
- Conclusion Scutellaria eye drop has good effects on the treatment of keratitis and conjunctivitis.It can be appli... 结论黄芩滴眼剂治疗结膜炎、角膜炎等眼部疾患有较好效果,可应用于临床。
- OBJECTIVE To study the extraction process for the total flavones of Scutellaria barbata. 目的研究半枝莲中总黄酮的提取工艺。
- Objective:The optimum extraction and isolation of wogonin from the root of Scutellaria was determined. 目的:研究溶剂法提取黄芩中汉黄芩素的最佳方案。
- Objective:to confirm the optimal transplanting time of Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi. 目的:确定黄芩的最佳移栽时间。
- The quality of scutellaria eye drop is stable and its therapeutic effect is reliable. 结果该制剂制备工艺、质量控制方法可行,质量稳定,疗效确切。
- The basis can be furnished for producing good quality and high out put Scutellaria baicalensis. 通过考察黄芩栽培方法对黄芩甙含量及黄芩产量影响的研究,以秋育春栽法效果最佳。